There are two main viewpoints for simulating fluids:
ΦFlow supports both methods to some extent but mainly focuses on Eulerian simulations.
Before we discuss the various operations required for fluid simulations, let's define our variables and initial state. In this case, we will create a 64×96 grid, sampling velocity vectors in staggered form and marker values at the centroids.
from tqdm.notebook import trange
from phi.jax.flow import * # imports sub-modules + core classes
velocity = StaggeredGrid(Noise(), 'periodic', x=64, y=96)
plot({"velocity": velocity, "vorticity": field.curl(velocity)})
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phi/vis/_matplotlib/ UserWarning: This figure includes Axes that are not compatible with tight_layout, so results might be incorrect. plt.tight_layout() # because subplot titles can be added after figure creation
The Navier-Stokes equations for fluids, $\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = - (u \cdot \nabla) u - \nu \nabla^2 u - \frac 1 \rho \nabla p + g$, comprise multiple terms.
Operator splitting enables writing fast and stable fluid simulations by sequentially evaluating the different terms. For each of the terms, ΦFlow provides functions to compute them:
[Stam 1999], advect.mac_cormack
[MacCormack 2002]diffuse.explicit
, diffuse.implicit
[Chorin and Temam 1968]All of these functions take in a state variable and return the new state after a certain time dt
has passed.
In the following example, the velocity is self-advected and made incompressible, while the marker is passively advected.
def operator_split_step(v, p, dt, viscosity=0.1):
v = advect.semi_lagrangian(v, v, dt) # velocity self-advection
v = diffuse.explicit(v, viscosity, dt)
v, p = fluid.make_incompressible(v, (), Solve(x0=p, rank_deficiency=0))
return v, p
velocity0, pressure0 = fluid.make_incompressible(velocity)
velocity1, pressure1 = operator_split_step(velocity0, None, dt=1.)
plot({'initial vorticity': field.curl(velocity0), 'after step': field.curl(velocity1)})
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/backend/ SparseEfficiencyWarning: spsolve requires A be CSC or CSR matrix format x = spsolve(lin[batch], y[batch]) # returns nan when diverges
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diverged Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[2], line 8 5 v, p = fluid.make_incompressible(v, (), Solve(x0=p, rank_deficiency=0)) 6 return v, p ----> 8 velocity0, pressure0 = fluid.make_incompressible(velocity) 9 velocity1, pressure1 = operator_split_step(velocity0, None, dt=1.) 10 plot({'initial vorticity': field.curl(velocity0), 'after step': field.curl(velocity1)}) File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phi/physics/, in make_incompressible(velocity, obstacles, solve, active, order, correct_skew, wide_stencil) 154 if wide_stencil is None: 155 wide_stencil = not velocity.is_staggered --> 156 pressure = math.solve_linear(masked_laplace, div, solve, velocity.boundary, hard_bcs, active, wide_stencil=wide_stencil, order=order, implicit=None, upwind=None, correct_skew=correct_skew) 157 # --- Subtract grad p --- 158 grad_pressure = field.spatial_gradient(pressure, input_velocity.extrapolation, at=velocity.sampled_at, order=order, scheme='green-gauss') File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in solve_linear(f, y, solve, grad_for_f, f_kwargs, *f_args, **f_kwargs_) 663 return result # must return exactly `x` so gradient isn't computed w.r.t. other quantities 665 _matrix_solve = attach_gradient_solve(_matrix_solve_forward, auxiliary_args=f'is_backprop,solve{",matrix" if matrix.backend == NUMPY else ""}', matrix_adjoint=grad_for_f) --> 666 return _matrix_solve(y - bias, solve, matrix) 667 else: # Matrix-free solve 668 f_args = cached(f_args) File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in CustomGradientFunction.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) 958 if len(self.traces) >= 8: 959 warnings.warn(f"""{self.__name__} has been traced {len(self.traces)} times. 960 To avoid memory leaks, call {f_name(self.f)}.traces.clear(), {f_name(self.f)}.recorded_mappings.clear(). 961 Traces can be avoided by jit-compiling the code that calls custom gradient functions. 962 """, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) --> 963 native_result = self.traces[key](*natives) # With PyTorch + jit, this does not call forward_native every time 964 output_key = match_output_signature(key, self.recorded_mappings, self) 965 output_tensors = assemble_tensors(native_result, output_key.specs) [... skipping hidden 9 frame] File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in CustomGradientFunction._trace.<locals>.forward_native(*natives) 917 kwargs = assemble_tree(in_key.tree, in_tensors, attr_type=variable_attributes) 918 ML_LOGGER.debug(f"Running forward pass of custom op {forward_native.__name__} given args {tuple(kwargs.keys())} containing {len(natives)} native tensors") --> 919 result = self.f(**kwargs, **in_key.auxiliary_kwargs) # Tensor or tuple/list of Tensors 920 nest, out_tensors = disassemble_tree(result, cache=True, attr_type=variable_attributes) 921 result_natives, result_shapes, specs = disassemble_tensors(out_tensors, expand=True) File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in solve_linear.<locals>._matrix_solve_forward(y, solve, matrix, is_backprop) 660 idx = b.concat([idx, new_col, new_row], 0) 661 nat_matrix = b.sparse_coo_tensor(idx, data, (N+1, N+1)) --> 662 result = _linear_solve_forward(y, solve, nat_matrix, pattern_dims_in, pattern_dims_out, preconditioner, backend, is_backprop) 663 return result File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in _linear_solve_forward(y, solve, native_lin_op, pattern_dims_in, pattern_dims_out, preconditioner, backend, is_backprop) 773 for tape in _SOLVE_TAPES: 774 tape._add(solve, trj, result) --> 775 result.convergence_check(is_backprop and 'TensorFlow' in # raises ConvergenceException 776 return final_x File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in SolveInfo.convergence_check(self, only_warn) 198 warnings.warn(self.msg, ConvergenceWarning) 199 else: --> 200 raise Diverged(self) 201 if not self.converged.trajectory[-1].all: 202 if NotConverged not in self.solve.suppress: Diverged: Solve diverged within -1 iterations using scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve.
def operator_split_step(v, p, dt):
v = advect.semi_lagrangian(v, v, dt) # velocity self-advection
v = diffuse.explicit(v, 0.1, dt)
v, p = fluid.make_incompressible(v, (), Solve(x0=p, rank_deficiency=0))
return v, p
velocity0, pressure0 = fluid.make_incompressible(velocity)
velocity1, pressure1 = operator_split_step(velocity0, None, dt=1.)
plot({'initial vorticity': field.curl(velocity0), 'after step': field.curl(velocity1)})
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diverged Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[3], line 8 5 v, p = fluid.make_incompressible(v, (), Solve(x0=p, rank_deficiency=0)) 6 return v, p ----> 8 velocity0, pressure0 = fluid.make_incompressible(velocity) 9 velocity1, pressure1 = operator_split_step(velocity0, None, dt=1.) 10 plot({'initial vorticity': field.curl(velocity0), 'after step': field.curl(velocity1)}) File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phi/physics/, in make_incompressible(velocity, obstacles, solve, active, order, correct_skew, wide_stencil) 154 if wide_stencil is None: 155 wide_stencil = not velocity.is_staggered --> 156 pressure = math.solve_linear(masked_laplace, div, solve, velocity.boundary, hard_bcs, active, wide_stencil=wide_stencil, order=order, implicit=None, upwind=None, correct_skew=correct_skew) 157 # --- Subtract grad p --- 158 grad_pressure = field.spatial_gradient(pressure, input_velocity.extrapolation, at=velocity.sampled_at, order=order, scheme='green-gauss') File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in solve_linear(f, y, solve, grad_for_f, f_kwargs, *f_args, **f_kwargs_) 663 return result # must return exactly `x` so gradient isn't computed w.r.t. other quantities 665 _matrix_solve = attach_gradient_solve(_matrix_solve_forward, auxiliary_args=f'is_backprop,solve{",matrix" if matrix.backend == NUMPY else ""}', matrix_adjoint=grad_for_f) --> 666 return _matrix_solve(y - bias, solve, matrix) 667 else: # Matrix-free solve 668 f_args = cached(f_args) File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in CustomGradientFunction.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) 958 if len(self.traces) >= 8: 959 warnings.warn(f"""{self.__name__} has been traced {len(self.traces)} times. 960 To avoid memory leaks, call {f_name(self.f)}.traces.clear(), {f_name(self.f)}.recorded_mappings.clear(). 961 Traces can be avoided by jit-compiling the code that calls custom gradient functions. 962 """, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) --> 963 native_result = self.traces[key](*natives) # With PyTorch + jit, this does not call forward_native every time 964 output_key = match_output_signature(key, self.recorded_mappings, self) 965 output_tensors = assemble_tensors(native_result, output_key.specs) [... skipping hidden 9 frame] File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in CustomGradientFunction._trace.<locals>.forward_native(*natives) 917 kwargs = assemble_tree(in_key.tree, in_tensors, attr_type=variable_attributes) 918 ML_LOGGER.debug(f"Running forward pass of custom op {forward_native.__name__} given args {tuple(kwargs.keys())} containing {len(natives)} native tensors") --> 919 result = self.f(**kwargs, **in_key.auxiliary_kwargs) # Tensor or tuple/list of Tensors 920 nest, out_tensors = disassemble_tree(result, cache=True, attr_type=variable_attributes) 921 result_natives, result_shapes, specs = disassemble_tensors(out_tensors, expand=True) File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in solve_linear.<locals>._matrix_solve_forward(y, solve, matrix, is_backprop) 660 idx = b.concat([idx, new_col, new_row], 0) 661 nat_matrix = b.sparse_coo_tensor(idx, data, (N+1, N+1)) --> 662 result = _linear_solve_forward(y, solve, nat_matrix, pattern_dims_in, pattern_dims_out, preconditioner, backend, is_backprop) 663 return result File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in _linear_solve_forward(y, solve, native_lin_op, pattern_dims_in, pattern_dims_out, preconditioner, backend, is_backprop) 773 for tape in _SOLVE_TAPES: 774 tape._add(solve, trj, result) --> 775 result.convergence_check(is_backprop and 'TensorFlow' in # raises ConvergenceException 776 return final_x File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in SolveInfo.convergence_check(self, only_warn) 198 warnings.warn(self.msg, ConvergenceWarning) 199 else: --> 200 raise Diverged(self) 201 if not self.converged.trajectory[-1].all: 202 if NotConverged not in self.solve.suppress: Diverged: Solve diverged within -1 iterations using scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve.
We can use iterate
to compute a trajectory by repeatedly calling operator_split_step
All intermediate states are stacked along the specified dimension which we call time
velocity_trj, pressure_trj = iterate(operator_split_step, batch(time=100), velocity0, pressure0, dt=1., range=trange)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[4], line 1 ----> 1 velocity_trj, pressure_trj = iterate(operator_split_step, batch(time=100), velocity0, pressure0, dt=1., range=trange) NameError: name 'velocity0' is not defined
Alternatively, we could have written a for
loop, added all intermediate states to a list, and stacked the results afterward.
Now, let's plot this trajectory by animating the time
plot(field.curl(velocity_trj), animate='time', same_scale=False)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[5], line 1 ----> 1 plot(field.curl(velocity_trj), animate='time', same_scale=False) NameError: name 'velocity_trj' is not defined
The operator splitting approach is not compatible with more accurate numerical schemes. For more accurate simulations, we can use higher-order spatial schemes as well as time integration. In that case, we define a momentum equation which computes the PDE terms directly, without integrating them in time. The following example computes explicit fourth-order accurate advection and diffusion.
def momentum_equation(v, viscosity=0.1):
advection = advect.finite_difference(v, v, order=4, implicit=None)
diffusion = diffuse.finite_difference(v, viscosity, order=4, implicit=None)
return advection + diffusion
Next, we perform time integration with the incompressibility constraint. This is considerably more expensive than the previous approach but yields much more accurate results.
def rk4_step(v, p, dt):
return fluid.incompressible_rk4(momentum_equation, v, p, dt, pressure_order=4)
velocity = CenteredGrid(Noise(vector='x,y'), 'periodic', x=64, y=96)
velocity0, pressure0 = fluid.make_incompressible(velocity, order=4)
velocity_trj, pressure_trj = iterate(rk4_step, batch(time=100), velocity0, pressure0, dt=.5, substeps=2, range=trange)
plot(field.curl(velocity_trj), animate='time', same_scale=False)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diverged Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[7], line 6 3 return fluid.incompressible_rk4(momentum_equation, v, p, dt, pressure_order=4) 5 velocity = CenteredGrid(Noise(vector='x,y'), 'periodic', x=64, y=96) ----> 6 velocity0, pressure0 = fluid.make_incompressible(velocity, order=4) 7 velocity_trj, pressure_trj = iterate(rk4_step, batch(time=100), velocity0, pressure0, dt=.5, substeps=2, range=trange) 8 plot(field.curl(velocity_trj), animate='time', same_scale=False) File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phi/physics/, in make_incompressible(velocity, obstacles, solve, active, order, correct_skew, wide_stencil) 154 if wide_stencil is None: 155 wide_stencil = not velocity.is_staggered --> 156 pressure = math.solve_linear(masked_laplace, div, solve, velocity.boundary, hard_bcs, active, wide_stencil=wide_stencil, order=order, implicit=None, upwind=None, correct_skew=correct_skew) 157 # --- Subtract grad p --- 158 grad_pressure = field.spatial_gradient(pressure, input_velocity.extrapolation, at=velocity.sampled_at, order=order, scheme='green-gauss') File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in solve_linear(f, y, solve, grad_for_f, f_kwargs, *f_args, **f_kwargs_) 663 return result # must return exactly `x` so gradient isn't computed w.r.t. other quantities 665 _matrix_solve = attach_gradient_solve(_matrix_solve_forward, auxiliary_args=f'is_backprop,solve{",matrix" if matrix.backend == NUMPY else ""}', matrix_adjoint=grad_for_f) --> 666 return _matrix_solve(y - bias, solve, matrix) 667 else: # Matrix-free solve 668 f_args = cached(f_args) File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in CustomGradientFunction.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) 958 if len(self.traces) >= 8: 959 warnings.warn(f"""{self.__name__} has been traced {len(self.traces)} times. 960 To avoid memory leaks, call {f_name(self.f)}.traces.clear(), {f_name(self.f)}.recorded_mappings.clear(). 961 Traces can be avoided by jit-compiling the code that calls custom gradient functions. 962 """, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) --> 963 native_result = self.traces[key](*natives) # With PyTorch + jit, this does not call forward_native every time 964 output_key = match_output_signature(key, self.recorded_mappings, self) 965 output_tensors = assemble_tensors(native_result, output_key.specs) [... skipping hidden 9 frame] File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in CustomGradientFunction._trace.<locals>.forward_native(*natives) 917 kwargs = assemble_tree(in_key.tree, in_tensors, attr_type=variable_attributes) 918 ML_LOGGER.debug(f"Running forward pass of custom op {forward_native.__name__} given args {tuple(kwargs.keys())} containing {len(natives)} native tensors") --> 919 result = self.f(**kwargs, **in_key.auxiliary_kwargs) # Tensor or tuple/list of Tensors 920 nest, out_tensors = disassemble_tree(result, cache=True, attr_type=variable_attributes) 921 result_natives, result_shapes, specs = disassemble_tensors(out_tensors, expand=True) File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in solve_linear.<locals>._matrix_solve_forward(y, solve, matrix, is_backprop) 660 idx = b.concat([idx, new_col, new_row], 0) 661 nat_matrix = b.sparse_coo_tensor(idx, data, (N+1, N+1)) --> 662 result = _linear_solve_forward(y, solve, nat_matrix, pattern_dims_in, pattern_dims_out, preconditioner, backend, is_backprop) 663 return result File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in _linear_solve_forward(y, solve, native_lin_op, pattern_dims_in, pattern_dims_out, preconditioner, backend, is_backprop) 773 for tape in _SOLVE_TAPES: 774 tape._add(solve, trj, result) --> 775 result.convergence_check(is_backprop and 'TensorFlow' in # raises ConvergenceException 776 return final_x File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.9/x64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phiml/math/, in SolveInfo.convergence_check(self, only_warn) 198 warnings.warn(self.msg, ConvergenceWarning) 199 else: --> 200 raise Diverged(self) 201 if not self.converged.trajectory[-1].all: 202 if NotConverged not in self.solve.suppress: Diverged: Solve diverged within -1 iterations using scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve.
The Kolmogorov flow notebebook shows higher-order fluid flow with forcing.
For a comparison of various schemes in both accuracy and performance is given here.
Coupling between centered and staggered fields can be seen in the smoke plume notebook and Python script.