Module phi.physics.diffuse

Functions to simulate diffusion processes on Field objects.


def differential(u: phi.field._field.Field,
diffusivity: float | phiml.math._tensors.Tensor | phi.field._field.Field,
gradient: phi.field._field.Field = None,
order: int = 2,
implicit: phiml.math._optimize.Solve = None,
upwind: phi.field._field.Field = None,
correct_skew=True) ‑> phi.field._field.Field
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def differential(u: Field,
                 diffusivity: Union[float, math.Tensor, Field],
                 gradient: Field = None,
                 order: int = 2,
                 implicit: math.Solve = None,
                 upwind: Field = None,
                 correct_skew=True) -> Field:
    Compute the differential diffusion term, d·∇²u.
    For grids, uses a finite difference scheme specified by `order` and `implicit`.
    For FVM, the scheme is specified via `order` and `upwind`.

    In contrast to `explicit` and `implicit`, accuracy can be increased by using stencils of higher-order rather than calculating sub-steps.

        u: Scalar or vector-valued `Field` sampled on a `CenteredGrid`, `StaggeredGrid` or centered `Mesh`.
        diffusivity: Dynamic viscosity, i.e. diffusion per time. Constant or varying by cell.
        gradient: Only used by FVM at the moment. Approximate gradient of `u`, e.g. ∇u of the previous time step.
            If `None`, approximates the gradient as `(u_neighbor - u_self) / distance`.
        order: Spatial order of accuracy.
            Higher orders entail larger stencils and more computation time but result in more accurate results assuming a large enough resolution.
            Supported: 2 explicit, 4 explicit, 6 implicit (inherited from `phi.field.laplace()`).
            For FVM, the order is used when interpolating `v` and `prev_v` to cell faces if needed.
        implicit: When a `Solve` object is passed, performs an implicit operation with the specified solver and tolerances.
            Otherwise, an explicit stencil is used.
        upwind: For unstructured meshes only. Whether to use upwind interpolation.
        correct_skew: If `True`, adds a correction term for cell skewness. This requires `gradient` to be passed.

        Differential diffusion as a `Field` on the same geometry.
    if spatial(diffusivity):  # spatially-varying diffusivity
        assert order == 2, f"spatially-varying diffusivity only supported for second-order but got order={order}"
        # make sure outflow = neighbor inflow, i.e. make the matrix symmetric
        diffusivity: Field = diffusivity if isinstance(diffusivity, Field) else u.with_values(diffusivity)
        if u.is_grid and u.is_centered:
            face_diffusivity = stagger(diffusivity, math.minimum, NONE)
            du = u.gradient(boundary=NONE, at='face')
            lap = (face_diffusivity * du).divergence(order=2)
            raise NotImplementedError("spatially-varying diffusion currently only supported for centered grids")
        lap = laplace(u, weights=diffusivity, gradient=gradient, order=order, implicit=implicit, upwind=upwind, correct_skew=correct_skew)
    return lap.with_extrapolation(u.boundary - u.boundary)  # remove constants from extrapolation

Compute the differential diffusion term, d·∇²u. For grids, uses a finite difference scheme specified by order and implicit(). For FVM, the scheme is specified via order and upwind.

In contrast to explicit() and implicit(), accuracy can be increased by using stencils of higher-order rather than calculating sub-steps.


Scalar or vector-valued Field sampled on a CenteredGrid, StaggeredGrid or centered Mesh.
Dynamic viscosity, i.e. diffusion per time. Constant or varying by cell.
Only used by FVM at the moment. Approximate gradient of u, e.g. ∇u of the previous time step. If None, approximates the gradient as (u_neighbor - u_self) / distance.
Spatial order of accuracy. Higher orders entail larger stencils and more computation time but result in more accurate results assuming a large enough resolution. Supported: 2 explicit, 4 explicit, 6 implicit (inherited from laplace()). For FVM, the order is used when interpolating v and prev_v to cell faces if needed.
When a Solve object is passed, performs an implicit operation with the specified solver and tolerances. Otherwise, an explicit stencil is used.
For unstructured meshes only. Whether to use upwind interpolation.
If True, adds a correction term for cell skewness. This requires gradient to be passed.


Differential diffusion as a Field on the same geometry.

def explicit(u: phi.field._field.Field,
diffusivity: float | phiml.math._tensors.Tensor | phi.field._field.Field,
dt: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor | float,
substeps: int = 1,
order: int = 2,
implicit: phiml.math._optimize.Solve = None,
gradient: phi.field._field.Field = None,
upwind: phi.field._field.Field = None,
correct_skew=True) ‑> phi.field._field.Field
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def explicit(u: Field,
             diffusivity: Union[float, Tensor, Field],
             dt: Union[float, Tensor],
             substeps: int = 1,
             order: int = 2,
             implicit: math.Solve = None,
             gradient: Field = None,
             upwind: Field = None,
             correct_skew=True) -> Field:
    Explicit Euler diffusion with substeps.

    Simulate a finite-time diffusion process of the form dF/dt = α · ΔF on a given `Field` Field with diffusion coefficient α.

        u: CenteredGrid, StaggeredGrid or ConstantField
        diffusivity: Diffusion per time. `diffusion_amount = diffusivity * dt`
            Can be a number, `phi.Tensor` or `phi.field.Field`.
            If a channel dimension is present, it will be interpreted as non-isotropic diffusion.
        dt: Time interval. `diffusion_amount = diffusivity * dt`
        substeps: number of iterations to use (Default value = 1)
        order: Spatial order of accuracy.
            Higher orders entail larger stencils and more computation time but result in more accurate results assuming a large enough resolution.
            Supported: 2 explicit, 4 explicit, 6 implicit (inherited from `phi.field.laplace()`).
            For FVM, the order is used when interpolating `v` and `prev_v` to cell faces if needed.
        implicit: When a `Solve` object is passed, performs a spatially implicit operation with the specified solver and tolerances.
            Otherwise, an explicit stencil is used.
        gradient: Only used by FVM at the moment. Approximate gradient of `u`, e.g. ∇u of the previous time step.
            If `None`, approximates the gradient as `(u_neighbor - u_self) / distance`.
        upwind: For unstructured meshes only. Whether to use upwind interpolation.
        correct_skew: If `True`, adds a correction term for cell skewness. This requires `gradient` to be passed.

        Diffused field of same type as `field`.
    amount = diffusivity * (dt / substeps)
    # --- CFL check if possible ---
    amount_ = amount.values if isinstance(amount, Field) else wrap(amount)
    if amount_.available and u.is_grid:
        cfl = math.max(amount_, spatial) / u.dx ** 2
        if (cfl > .5).any:
            warnings.warn(f"CFL condition violated (CFL = {float(cfl.max):.1f} > 0.5) in diffuse.explicit() with diffusivity={diffusivity}, dt={dt}, dx={u.dx}. Increase substeps or use diffuse.implicit() instead.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
    # --- diffusion ---
    if isinstance(amount, Field):
        amount =
    for i in range(substeps):
        u += differential(u, amount, gradient=gradient, order=order, implicit=implicit, upwind=upwind, correct_skew=correct_skew)
    return u

Explicit Euler diffusion with substeps.

Simulate a finite-time diffusion process of the form dF/dt = α · ΔF on a given Field Field with diffusion coefficient α.


CenteredGrid, StaggeredGrid or ConstantField
Diffusion per time. diffusion_amount = diffusivity * dt Can be a number, phi.Tensor or Field. If a channel dimension is present, it will be interpreted as non-isotropic diffusion.
Time interval. diffusion_amount = diffusivity * dt
number of iterations to use (Default value = 1)
Spatial order of accuracy. Higher orders entail larger stencils and more computation time but result in more accurate results assuming a large enough resolution. Supported: 2 explicit, 4 explicit, 6 implicit (inherited from laplace()). For FVM, the order is used when interpolating v and prev_v to cell faces if needed.
When a Solve object is passed, performs a spatially implicit operation with the specified solver and tolerances. Otherwise, an explicit stencil is used.
Only used by FVM at the moment. Approximate gradient of u, e.g. ∇u of the previous time step. If None, approximates the gradient as (u_neighbor - u_self) / distance.
For unstructured meshes only. Whether to use upwind interpolation.
If True, adds a correction term for cell skewness. This requires gradient to be passed.


Diffused field of same type as field.

def finite_difference(u: phi.field._field.Field,
diffusivity: float | phiml.math._tensors.Tensor | phi.field._field.Field,
gradient: phi.field._field.Field = None,
order: int = 2,
implicit: phiml.math._optimize.Solve = None,
upwind: phi.field._field.Field = None,
correct_skew=True) ‑> phi.field._field.Field
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def differential(u: Field,
                 diffusivity: Union[float, math.Tensor, Field],
                 gradient: Field = None,
                 order: int = 2,
                 implicit: math.Solve = None,
                 upwind: Field = None,
                 correct_skew=True) -> Field:
    Compute the differential diffusion term, d·∇²u.
    For grids, uses a finite difference scheme specified by `order` and `implicit`.
    For FVM, the scheme is specified via `order` and `upwind`.

    In contrast to `explicit` and `implicit`, accuracy can be increased by using stencils of higher-order rather than calculating sub-steps.

        u: Scalar or vector-valued `Field` sampled on a `CenteredGrid`, `StaggeredGrid` or centered `Mesh`.
        diffusivity: Dynamic viscosity, i.e. diffusion per time. Constant or varying by cell.
        gradient: Only used by FVM at the moment. Approximate gradient of `u`, e.g. ∇u of the previous time step.
            If `None`, approximates the gradient as `(u_neighbor - u_self) / distance`.
        order: Spatial order of accuracy.
            Higher orders entail larger stencils and more computation time but result in more accurate results assuming a large enough resolution.
            Supported: 2 explicit, 4 explicit, 6 implicit (inherited from `phi.field.laplace()`).
            For FVM, the order is used when interpolating `v` and `prev_v` to cell faces if needed.
        implicit: When a `Solve` object is passed, performs an implicit operation with the specified solver and tolerances.
            Otherwise, an explicit stencil is used.
        upwind: For unstructured meshes only. Whether to use upwind interpolation.
        correct_skew: If `True`, adds a correction term for cell skewness. This requires `gradient` to be passed.

        Differential diffusion as a `Field` on the same geometry.
    if spatial(diffusivity):  # spatially-varying diffusivity
        assert order == 2, f"spatially-varying diffusivity only supported for second-order but got order={order}"
        # make sure outflow = neighbor inflow, i.e. make the matrix symmetric
        diffusivity: Field = diffusivity if isinstance(diffusivity, Field) else u.with_values(diffusivity)
        if u.is_grid and u.is_centered:
            face_diffusivity = stagger(diffusivity, math.minimum, NONE)
            du = u.gradient(boundary=NONE, at='face')
            lap = (face_diffusivity * du).divergence(order=2)
            raise NotImplementedError("spatially-varying diffusion currently only supported for centered grids")
        lap = laplace(u, weights=diffusivity, gradient=gradient, order=order, implicit=implicit, upwind=upwind, correct_skew=correct_skew)
    return lap.with_extrapolation(u.boundary - u.boundary)  # remove constants from extrapolation

Compute the differential diffusion term, d·∇²u. For grids, uses a finite difference scheme specified by order and implicit(). For FVM, the scheme is specified via order and upwind.

In contrast to explicit() and implicit(), accuracy can be increased by using stencils of higher-order rather than calculating sub-steps.


Scalar or vector-valued Field sampled on a CenteredGrid, StaggeredGrid or centered Mesh.
Dynamic viscosity, i.e. diffusion per time. Constant or varying by cell.
Only used by FVM at the moment. Approximate gradient of u, e.g. ∇u of the previous time step. If None, approximates the gradient as (u_neighbor - u_self) / distance.
Spatial order of accuracy. Higher orders entail larger stencils and more computation time but result in more accurate results assuming a large enough resolution. Supported: 2 explicit, 4 explicit, 6 implicit (inherited from laplace()). For FVM, the order is used when interpolating v and prev_v to cell faces if needed.
When a Solve object is passed, performs an implicit operation with the specified solver and tolerances. Otherwise, an explicit stencil is used.
For unstructured meshes only. Whether to use upwind interpolation.
If True, adds a correction term for cell skewness. This requires gradient to be passed.


Differential diffusion as a Field on the same geometry.

def fourier(field: phi.field._field.Field,
diffusivity: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor | float,
dt: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor | float) ‑> phi.field._field.Field
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def fourier(field: Field,
            diffusivity: Union[float, Tensor],
            dt: Union[float, Tensor]) -> Field:
    Exact diffusion of a periodic field in frequency space.

    For non-periodic fields or non-constant diffusivity, use another diffusion function such as `explicit()`.

        diffusivity: Diffusion per time. `diffusion_amount = diffusivity * dt`
        dt: Time interval. `diffusion_amount = diffusivity * dt`

        Diffused field of same type as `field`.
    assert isinstance(field, Grid), "Cannot diffuse field of type '%s'" % type(field)
    assert field.extrapolation == math.extrapolation.PERIODIC, "Fourier diffusion can only be applied to periodic fields."
    amount = diffusivity * dt
    k = math.fftfreq(field.resolution)
    k2 = math.vec_squared(k)
    fft_laplace = -(2 * math.PI) ** 2 * k2
    diffuse_kernel = math.exp(fft_laplace * amount)
    result_k = math.fft(field.values) * diffuse_kernel
    result_values = math.real(math.ifft(result_k))
    return field.with_values(result_values)

Exact diffusion of a periodic field in frequency space.

For non-periodic fields or non-constant diffusivity, use another diffusion function such as explicit().


Diffusion per time. diffusion_amount = diffusivity * dt
Time interval. diffusion_amount = diffusivity * dt


Diffused field of same type as field.

def implicit(field: phi.field._field.Field,
diffusivity: float | phiml.math._tensors.Tensor | phi.field._field.Field,
dt: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor | float,
solve=CG with tolerance None (rel), None (abs), max_iterations=1000,
gradient: phi.field._field.Field = None,
upwind: phi.field._field.Field = None,
gradient_for_diffusivity=True) ‑> phi.field._field.Field
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def implicit(field: Field,
             diffusivity: Union[float, Tensor, Field],
             dt: Union[float, Tensor],
             gradient: Field = None,
             upwind: Field = None,
             gradient_for_diffusivity=True) -> Field:
    Implicit Euler diffusion.

    Diffusion by solving a linear system of equations.

        field: `phi.field.Field` to diffuse.
        diffusivity: Diffusion per time. `diffusion_amount = diffusivity * dt`
        dt: Time interval. `diffusion_amount = diffusivity * dt`
        solve: Implicit solve parameters.
        gradient: Only used by FVM at the moment. Approximate gradient of `u`, e.g. ∇u of the previous time step.
            If `None`, approximates the gradient as `(u_neighbor - u_self) / distance`.
        upwind: For unstructured meshes only. Whether to use upwind interpolation.
        correct_skew: If `True`, adds a correction term for cell skewness. This requires `gradient` to be passed.
        gradient_for_diffusivity: Whether to compute the gradient w.r.t. the diffusivity parameters.

        Diffused field of same type as `field`.
    def sharpen(x):
        return explicit(x, diffusivity, -dt, gradient=gradient, upwind=upwind, correct_skew=correct_skew)
    if not solve.x0:
        solve = copy_with(solve, x0=field)
    return solve_linear(sharpen, y=field, solve=solve, grad_for_f=gradient_for_diffusivity)

Implicit Euler diffusion.

Diffusion by solving a linear system of equations.


Field to diffuse.
Diffusion per time. diffusion_amount = diffusivity * dt
Time interval. diffusion_amount = diffusivity * dt
Implicit solve parameters.
Only used by FVM at the moment. Approximate gradient of u, e.g. ∇u of the previous time step. If None, approximates the gradient as (u_neighbor - u_self) / distance.
For unstructured meshes only. Whether to use upwind interpolation.
If True, adds a correction term for cell skewness. This requires gradient to be passed.
Whether to compute the gradient w.r.t. the diffusivity parameters.


Diffused field of same type as field.