Module phiml.backend.torch.nets
PyTorch implementation of the unified machine learning API. Equivalent functions also exist for the other frameworks.
For API documentation, see phiml.nn
def adagrad(net: torch.nn.modules.module.Module, learning_rate: float = 0.001, lr_decay=0.0, weight_decay=0.0, initial_accumulator_value=0.0, eps=1e-10)
def adam(net: torch.nn.modules.module.Module, learning_rate: float = 0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.999), epsilon=1e-07)
def conv_classifier(in_features: int, in_spatial: Union[tuple, list], num_classes: int, blocks=(64, 128, 256, 256, 512, 512), block_sizes=(2, 2, 3, 3, 3), dense_layers=(4096, 4096, 100), batch_norm=True, activation='ReLU', softmax=True, periodic=False)
def conv_net(in_channels: int, out_channels: int, layers: Sequence[int], batch_norm: bool = False, activation: Union[str, type] = 'ReLU', in_spatial: Union[int, tuple] = 2, periodic=False) ‑> torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def coupling_layer(in_channels: int, activation: Union[str, type] = 'ReLU', batch_norm=False, reverse_mask=False, in_spatial: Union[int, tuple] = 2)
def get_mask(inputs, reverse_mask, data_format='NHWC')
Compute mask for slicing input feature map for Invertible Nets
def get_parameters(net: torch.nn.modules.module.Module, wrap=True) ‑> dict
def invertible_net(num_blocks: int, construct_net: Union[str, Callable], **construct_kwargs)
def load_state(obj: Union[torch.nn.modules.module.Module, torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer], path: str)
def mlp(in_channels: int, out_channels: int, layers: Sequence[int], batch_norm=False, activation: Union[str, Callable] = 'ReLU', softmax=False) ‑> torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def res_net(in_channels: int, out_channels: int, layers: Sequence[int], batch_norm: bool = False, activation: Union[str, type] = 'ReLU', in_spatial: Union[int, tuple] = 2, periodic=False) ‑> torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def rmsprop(net: torch.nn.modules.module.Module, learning_rate: float = 0.001, alpha=0.99, eps=1e-08, weight_decay=0.0, momentum=0.0, centered=False)
def save_state(obj: Union[torch.nn.modules.module.Module, torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer], path: str)
def sgd(net: torch.nn.modules.module.Module, learning_rate: float = 0.001, momentum=0.0, dampening=0.0, weight_decay=0.0, nesterov=False)
def u_net(in_channels: int, out_channels: int, levels: int = 4, filters: Union[int, Sequence[+T_co]] = 16, batch_norm: bool = True, activation: Union[str, type] = 'ReLU', in_spatial: Union[int, tuple] = 2, periodic=False, use_res_blocks: bool = False, down_kernel_size=3, up_kernel_size=3) ‑> torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def update_weights(net: torch.nn.modules.module.Module, optimizer: torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer, loss_function: Callable, *loss_args, check_nan=False, **loss_kwargs)
class ConvClassifier (in_features, in_spatial: list, num_classes: int, batch_norm: bool, use_softmax: bool, blocks: tuple, block_sizes: tuple, dense_layers: tuple, periodic: bool, activation)
Base class for all neural network modules.
Your models should also subclass this class.
Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) return F.relu(self.conv2(x))
Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:
, etc.Note
As per the example above, an
call to the parent class must be made before assignment on the child.:ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Expand source code
class ConvClassifier(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_features, in_spatial: list, num_classes: int, batch_norm: bool, use_softmax: bool, blocks: tuple, block_sizes: tuple, dense_layers: tuple, periodic: bool, activation): super(ConvClassifier, self).__init__() d = len(in_spatial) self.in_spatial = in_spatial self._blocks = blocks self.add_module('maxpool', MAX_POOL[d](2)) for i, (prev, next) in enumerate(zip((in_features,) + tuple(blocks[:-1]), blocks)): block_size = block_sizes[i] layers = [] for j in range(block_size): layers.append(CONV[d](prev if j == 0 else next, next, kernel_size=3, padding=1, padding_mode='circular' if periodic else 'zeros')) layers.append(NORM[d](next) if batch_norm else nn.Identity()) layers.append(activation()) self.add_module(f'conv{i+1}', nn.Sequential(*layers)) flat_size = int( * blocks[-1] / (2**d) ** len(blocks)) self.mlp = mlp(flat_size, num_classes, dense_layers, batch_norm, activation, use_softmax) self.flatten = nn.Flatten() def forward(self, x): for i in range(len(self._blocks)): x = getattr(self, f'conv{i+1}')(x) x = self.maxpool(x) xf = self.flatten(x) y = self.mlp(xf) return y
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, x) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
class ConvNet (in_spatial, in_channels, out_channels, layers, batch_norm, activation, periodic: bool)
Base class for all neural network modules.
Your models should also subclass this class.
Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) return F.relu(self.conv2(x))
Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:
, etc.Note
As per the example above, an
call to the parent class must be made before assignment on the child.:ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Expand source code
class ConvNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_spatial, in_channels, out_channels, layers, batch_norm, activation, periodic: bool): super(ConvNet, self).__init__() activation = ACTIVATIONS[activation] if len(layers) < 1: layers.append(out_channels) self.layers = layers self.add_module(f'Conv_in', nn.Sequential( CONV[in_spatial](in_channels, layers[0], kernel_size=3, padding=1, padding_mode='circular' if periodic else 'zeros'), NORM[in_spatial](layers[0]) if batch_norm else nn.Identity(), activation())) for i in range(1, len(layers)): self.add_module(f'Conv{i}', nn.Sequential( CONV[in_spatial](layers[i - 1], layers[i], kernel_size=3, padding=1, padding_mode='circular' if periodic else 'zeros'), NORM[in_spatial](layers[i]) if batch_norm else nn.Identity(), activation())) self.add_module(f'Conv_out', CONV[in_spatial](layers[len(layers) - 1], out_channels, kernel_size=1)) def forward(self, x): x = getattr(self, f'Conv_in')(x) for i in range(1, len(self.layers)): x = getattr(self, f'Conv{i}')(x) x = getattr(self, f'Conv_out')(x) return x
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, x) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
class CouplingLayer (construct_net: Callable, construction_kwargs: dict, reverse_mask)
Base class for all neural network modules.
Your models should also subclass this class.
Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) return F.relu(self.conv2(x))
Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:
, etc.Note
As per the example above, an
call to the parent class must be made before assignment on the child.:ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Expand source code
class CouplingLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, construct_net: Callable, construction_kwargs: dict, reverse_mask): super(CouplingLayer, self).__init__() self.reverse_mask = reverse_mask self.s1 = construct_net(**construction_kwargs) self.t1 = construct_net(**construction_kwargs) self.s2 = construct_net(**construction_kwargs) self.t2 = construct_net(**construction_kwargs) def forward(self, x, invert=False): x = TORCH.as_tensor(x) mask = get_mask(x, self.reverse_mask, 'NCHW') if invert: v1 = x * mask v2 = x * (1 - mask) u2 = (1 - mask) * (v2 - self.t1(v1)) * torch.exp(-self.s1(v1)) u1 = mask * (v1 - self.t2(u2)) * torch.exp(-self.s2(u2)) return u1 + u2 else: u1 = x * mask u2 = x * (1 - mask) v1 = mask * (u1 * torch.exp(self.s2(u2)) + self.t2(u2)) v2 = (1 - mask) * (u2 * torch.exp(self.s1(v1)) + self.t1(v1)) return v1 + v2
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, x, invert=False) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
class DenseNet (layers: list, activation: type, batch_norm: bool, use_softmax: bool)
Base class for all neural network modules.
Your models should also subclass this class.
Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) return F.relu(self.conv2(x))
Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:
, etc.Note
As per the example above, an
call to the parent class must be made before assignment on the child.:ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Expand source code
class DenseNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, layers: list, activation: type, batch_norm: bool, use_softmax: bool): super(DenseNet, self).__init__() self._layers = layers self._activation = activation self._batch_norm = batch_norm for i, (s1, s2) in enumerate(zip(layers[:-2], layers[1:-1])): self.add_module(f'linear{i}', _bias0(nn.Linear)(s1, s2, bias=True)) if batch_norm: self.add_module(f'norm{i}', nn.BatchNorm1d(s2)) self.add_module(f'linear_out', _bias0(nn.Linear)(layers[-2], layers[-1], bias=True)) self.softmax = nn.Softmax() if use_softmax else None def forward(self, x): register_module_call(self) x = TORCH.as_tensor(x) for i in range(len(self._layers) - 2): x = self._activation()(getattr(self, f'linear{i}')(x)) if self._batch_norm: x = getattr(self, f'norm{i}')(x) x = getattr(self, f'linear_out')(x) if self.softmax: x = self.softmax(x) return x
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, x) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
class DenseResNetBlock (layers, batch_norm, activation)
Base class for all neural network modules.
Your models should also subclass this class.
Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) return F.relu(self.conv2(x))
Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:
, etc.Note
As per the example above, an
call to the parent class must be made before assignment on the child.:ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Expand source code
class DenseResNetBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, layers, batch_norm, activation): super(DenseResNetBlock, self).__init__() self._layers = layers self._activation = activation self._batch_norm = batch_norm for i, (s1, s2) in enumerate(zip(layers[:-1], layers[1:])): self.add_module(f'linear{i}', _bias0(nn.Linear)(s1, s2, bias=True)) if batch_norm: self.add_module(f'norm{i}', nn.BatchNorm1d(s2)) def forward(self, x): x0 = x for i in range(len(self._layers) - 1): x = self._activation()(getattr(self, f'linear{i}')(x)) if self._batch_norm: x = getattr(self, f'norm{i}')(x) return x + x0
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, x) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
class DoubleConv (d: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, mid_channels: int, batch_norm: bool, activation: type, periodic: bool, kernel_size=3)
(convolution => [BN] => ReLU) * 2
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Expand source code
class DoubleConv(nn.Module): """(convolution => [BN] => ReLU) * 2""" def __init__(self, d: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, mid_channels: int, batch_norm: bool, activation: type, periodic: bool, kernel_size=3): super().__init__() self.add_module('double_conv', nn.Sequential( CONV[d](in_channels, mid_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=1, padding_mode='circular' if periodic else 'zeros'), NORM[d](mid_channels) if batch_norm else nn.Identity(), activation(), CONV[d](mid_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=1, padding_mode='circular' if periodic else 'zeros'), NORM[d](out_channels) if batch_norm else nn.Identity(), nn.ReLU(inplace=True) )) def forward(self, x): return self.double_conv(x)
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, x) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
class Down (d: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, batch_norm: bool, activation: Union[str, type], use_res_blocks: bool, periodic, kernel_size: int)
Downscaling with maxpool then double conv or resnet_block
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Expand source code
class Down(nn.Module): """Downscaling with maxpool then double conv or resnet_block""" def __init__(self, d: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, batch_norm: bool, activation: Union[str, type], use_res_blocks: bool, periodic, kernel_size: int): super().__init__() self.add_module('maxpool', MAX_POOL[d](2)) if use_res_blocks: self.add_module('conv', ResNetBlock(d, in_channels, out_channels, batch_norm, activation, periodic, kernel_size)) else: self.add_module('conv', DoubleConv(d, in_channels, out_channels, out_channels, batch_norm, activation, periodic, kernel_size)) def forward(self, x): x = self.maxpool(x) return self.conv(x)
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, x) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
class InvertibleNet (num_blocks: int, construct_net, construction_kwargs: dict)
Base class for all neural network modules.
Your models should also subclass this class.
Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) return F.relu(self.conv2(x))
Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:
, etc.Note
As per the example above, an
call to the parent class must be made before assignment on the child.:ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Expand source code
class InvertibleNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_blocks: int, construct_net, construction_kwargs: dict): super(InvertibleNet, self).__init__() self.num_blocks = num_blocks for i in range(num_blocks): self.add_module(f'coupling_block{i + 1}', CouplingLayer(construct_net, construction_kwargs, (i % 2 == 0))) def forward(self, x, backward=False): if backward: for i in range(self.num_blocks, 0, -1): x = getattr(self, f'coupling_block{i}')(x, backward) else: for i in range(1, self.num_blocks + 1): x = getattr(self, f'coupling_block{i}')(x, backward) return x
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, x, backward=False) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
class ResNet (in_spatial, in_channels, out_channels, layers, batch_norm, activation, periodic: bool)
Base class for all neural network modules.
Your models should also subclass this class.
Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) return F.relu(self.conv2(x))
Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:
, etc.Note
As per the example above, an
call to the parent class must be made before assignment on the child.:ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Expand source code
class ResNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_spatial, in_channels, out_channels, layers, batch_norm, activation, periodic: bool): super(ResNet, self).__init__() self.layers = layers if len(self.layers) < 1: layers.append(out_channels) self.add_module('Res_in', ResNetBlock(in_spatial, in_channels, layers[0], batch_norm, activation, periodic)) for i in range(1, len(layers)): self.add_module(f'Res{i}', ResNetBlock(in_spatial, layers[i - 1], layers[i], batch_norm, activation, periodic)) self.add_module('Res_out', CONV[in_spatial](layers[len(layers) - 1], out_channels, kernel_size=1)) def forward(self, x): x = TORCH.as_tensor(x) x = getattr(self, 'Res_in')(x) for i in range(1, len(self.layers)): x = getattr(self, f'Res{i}')(x) x = getattr(self, 'Res_out')(x) return x
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, x) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
class ResNetBlock (in_spatial, in_channels, out_channels, batch_norm, activation, periodic: bool, kernel_size=3)
Base class for all neural network modules.
Your models should also subclass this class.
Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) return F.relu(self.conv2(x))
Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:
, etc.Note
As per the example above, an
call to the parent class must be made before assignment on the child.:ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Expand source code
class ResNetBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_spatial, in_channels, out_channels, batch_norm, activation, periodic: bool, kernel_size=3): # Since in_channels and out_channels might be different, we need a sampling layer for up/down sampling input in order to add it as a skip connection super(ResNetBlock, self).__init__() if in_channels != out_channels: self.sample_input = CONV[in_spatial](in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, padding=0) self.bn_sample = NORM[in_spatial](out_channels) if batch_norm else nn.Identity() else: self.sample_input = nn.Identity() self.bn_sample = nn.Identity() self.activation = ACTIVATIONS[activation] if isinstance(activation, str) else activation self.bn1 = NORM[in_spatial](out_channels) if batch_norm else nn.Identity() self.conv1 = CONV[in_spatial](in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=1, padding_mode='circular' if periodic else 'zeros') self.bn2 = NORM[in_spatial](out_channels) if batch_norm else nn.Identity() self.conv2 = CONV[in_spatial](out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=1, padding_mode='circular' if periodic else 'zeros') def forward(self, x): x = TORCH.as_tensor(x) out = self.activation()(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) out = self.activation()(self.bn2(self.conv2(out))) out = (out + self.bn_sample(self.sample_input(x))) return out
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, x) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
class UNet (d: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, filters: tuple, batch_norm: bool, activation: type, periodic: bool, use_res_blocks: bool, down_kernel_size: int, up_kernel_size: int)
Base class for all neural network modules.
Your models should also subclass this class.
Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) return F.relu(self.conv2(x))
Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:
, etc.Note
As per the example above, an
call to the parent class must be made before assignment on the child.:ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class UNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, filters: tuple, batch_norm: bool, activation: type, periodic: bool, use_res_blocks: bool, down_kernel_size: int, up_kernel_size: int): super(UNet, self).__init__() self._levels = len(filters) self._spatial_rank = d if use_res_blocks: self.add_module('inc', ResNetBlock(d, in_channels, filters[0], batch_norm, activation, periodic, down_kernel_size)) else: self.add_module('inc', DoubleConv(d, in_channels, filters[0], filters[0], batch_norm, activation, periodic, down_kernel_size)) for i in range(1, self._levels): self.add_module(f'down{i}', Down(d, filters[i - 1], filters[i], batch_norm, activation, periodic, use_res_blocks, down_kernel_size)) self.add_module(f'up{i}', Up(d, filters[-i] + filters[-i - 1], filters[-i - 1], batch_norm, activation, periodic, use_res_blocks, up_kernel_size)) self.add_module('outc', CONV[d](filters[0], out_channels, kernel_size=1)) def forward(self, x): register_module_call(self) x = TORCH.as_tensor(x) for size in x.shape[2:]: assert size % 2 ** (self._levels-1) == 0, f"All spatial dims must be divisible by {2 ** (self._levels-1)} for U-Nets with {self._levels} levels but got {x.shape}. Please pad the input." x = xs = [x] for i in range(1, self._levels): x = getattr(self, f'down{i}')(x) xs.insert(0, x) for i in range(1, self._levels): x = getattr(self, f'up{i}')(x, xs[i]) x = self.outc(x) return x
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, x) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
class Up (d: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, batch_norm: bool, activation: type, periodic: bool, use_res_blocks: bool, kernel_size: int)
Upscaling then double conv
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class Up(nn.Module): """Upscaling then double conv""" _MODES = [None, 'linear', 'bilinear', 'trilinear'] def __init__(self, d: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, batch_norm: bool, activation: type, periodic: bool, use_res_blocks: bool, kernel_size: int): super().__init__() up = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode=Up._MODES[d]) if use_res_blocks: conv = ResNetBlock(d, in_channels, out_channels, batch_norm, activation, periodic, kernel_size) else: conv = DoubleConv(d, in_channels, out_channels, in_channels // 2, batch_norm, activation, periodic, kernel_size) self.add_module('up', up) self.add_module('conv', conv) def forward(self, x1, x2): x1 = self.up(x1) # input is CHW # diff = [x2.size()[i] - x1.size()[i] for i in range(2, len(x1.shape))] # x1 = F.pad(x1, [diffX // 2, diffX - diffX // 2, # diffY // 2, diffY - diffY // 2]) # if you have padding issues, see # # x =[x2, x1], dim=1) return self.conv(x)
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, x1, x2) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Defines the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.