Module phi.physics.sph

Tools for running Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations.

  1. Create particles as a Geometry collections.
  2. Use neighbor_graph() to find neighbor particles and compute kernel weights.
  3. Use custom function or built-in physics operations to integrate the dynamics.


def evaluate_kernel(delta,
spatial_rank: int,
kernel: str,
types: Sequence[str] = ('kernel',)) ‑> Dict[str, phiml.math._tensors.Tensor]
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def evaluate_kernel(delta, distance, h, spatial_rank: int, kernel: str, types: Sequence[str] = ('kernel',)) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
    Compute the SPH kernel value or a derivative of the kernel function.

    For kernels that only depends on the squared distance, such as `poly6`, the `distance` variable is not used.
    Instead, the squared distance is derived from `delta`.

        delta: Vectors to neighbors, i.e. position differences.
        distance: Scalar distance to neighbors.
        h: Support radius / smoothing length / maximum distance / cutoff.
        spatial_rank: Dimensionality of the simulation.
        kernel: Which kernel to use, one of `'quintic-spline'`, `'wendland-c2'`, `'poly6'`.
        types: Ordered `tuple` of derivatives to compute, `'kernel'`, `'grad'`, `'laplace'`.

    # SPH kernels must be divided by h^d for the kernel and h^(d+1) for the gradient
    assert all(d in ['kernel', 'grad', 'laplace'] for d in types), f"Only derivative=0 and 1 are supported but got {types}"
    d = spatial_rank
    result = {}
    # --- Quintic spline ---
    if kernel == 'quintic-spline':
        const = 3**5 / 40 if d == 1 else 3**7 * 7 / 478 / PI if d == 2 else 3**7 / 40 / PI
        q = distance / h
        if 'kernel' in types:
            k = clip(1-q)**5 - 6 * clip(2/3-q)**5 + 15 * clip(1/3-q)**5
            result['kernel'] = const / h**d * k
        if 'grad' in types:
            dk = -5 * clip(1-q)**4 + 30 * clip(2/3-q)**4 - 75 * clip(1/3-q)**4
            result['grad'] = const / h**(d+1) * dk * math.safe_div(delta, distance)
        if 'laplace' in types:
            d2k = 20 * clip(1-q)**3 - 120 * clip(2/3-q)**3 + 300 * clip(1/3-q)**3
            result['laplace'] = const / h**(d+2) * d2k
    # --- Wendland C2 ---
    elif kernel == 'wendland-c2':
        const = 3 / 2 if d == 1 else 7 / PI if d == 2 else 21 / 2 / PI
        q = distance / h
        if 'kernel' in types:
            k = (1-q) ** 4 * (4*q + 1)
            result['kernel'] = const / h**d * k
        if 'grad' in types:
            dk = -20 * q * (1-q)**3
            result['grad'] = const / h**(d+1) * dk * math.safe_div(delta, distance)
        if 'laplace' in types:
            d2k = 20 * (4*q - 1) * (1-q)**2
            result['laplace'] = const / h**(d+2) * d2k
    # --- poly6 from Müller et al., Particle-based fluid simulation for interactive applications ---
    elif kernel == 'poly6':
        const = 35 / 32 if d == 1 else 4 / PI if d == 2 else 315 / 64 / PI
        norm = const / h**(d+6)
        r2 = math.vec_squared(delta)
        diff = h**2 - r2
        if 'kernel' in types:
            result['kernel'] = norm * diff ** 3
        if 'grad' in types:
            result['grad'] = -6 * norm * diff**2 * delta
        if 'laplace' in types:
            result['laplace'] = -6 * norm * (5*r2**2 - 6*r2*h**2 + h**4)
        raise ValueError(kernel)
    return {t: result[t] for t in types}  # re-order output to match input

Compute the SPH kernel value or a derivative of the kernel function.

For kernels that only depends on the squared distance, such as poly6, the distance variable is not used. Instead, the squared distance is derived from delta.


Vectors to neighbors, i.e. position differences.
Scalar distance to neighbors.
Support radius / smoothing length / maximum distance / cutoff.
Dimensionality of the simulation.
Which kernel to use, one of 'quintic-spline', 'wendland-c2', 'poly6'.
Ordered tuple of derivatives to compute, 'kernel', 'grad', 'laplace'.



def expected_neighbors(volume: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, support_radius, spatial_rank: int)
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def expected_neighbors(volume: Tensor, support_radius, spatial_rank: int):
    Given the average element volume and support radius, returns the average number of neighbors for a region filled with particles.

        volume: Average particle volume.
        support_radius: Other elements are considered neighbors if their center lies within a sphere of this radius around a particle.
        spatial_rank: Spatial rank of the simulation.

        Number of expected neighbors.
    return Sphere.volume_from_radius(support_radius, spatial_rank) / volume

Given the average element volume and support radius, returns the average number of neighbors for a region filled with particles.


Average particle volume.
Other elements are considered neighbors if their center lies within a sphere of this radius around a particle.
Spatial rank of the simulation.


Number of expected neighbors.

def neighbor_graph(nodes: phi.geom._geom.Geometry,
kernel: str,
boundary: Dict[str, Dict[str, slice]] = None,
desired_neighbors: float = None,
compute: str = 'kernel,grad',
domain: phi.geom._box.Box = None,
periodic: bool | phiml.math._tensors.Tensor = False) ‑> phi.geom._graph.Graph
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def neighbor_graph(nodes: Geometry,
                   kernel: str,
                   boundary: Dict[str, Dict[str, slice]] = None,
                   desired_neighbors: float = None,
                   compute: str = 'kernel,grad',
                   domain: Box = None,
                   periodic: Union[bool, Tensor] = False) -> Graph:
    Build a `phi.geom.Graph` based on proximity of `nodes` and evaluates the kernel function.

        nodes: Particles including obstacle particles as `Geometry` collection.
        kernel: Kernel function to evaluate.
        boundary: Marks ranges of nodes as boundary particles, see `phi.geom.Graph`.
        desired_neighbors: Target average number of neighbors per particle. This determines the support radius (cutoff) used.
        compute: Comma-separated `str` of kernel properties to compute on the graph edges. Can contain `'kernel'`, `'grad'`, `'laplace'`.
            If no kernel property is given, the edge values will be set to the inverse distance between nodes instead.
        format: Sparse format in which store neighborhood information. Allowed strings are `'dense', `'csr'`, `'coo'`, `'csc'`.
        search_method: Neighborhood search method, see `phi.math.pairwise_differences`.
        domain: (Optional) Specify a fixed domain size in which the centers of all nodes must be located.
            This is required for periodic domains.
        periodic: Which domain boundaries should be treated as periodic, i.e. particles on opposite sides are neighbors.
            Can be specified as a `bool` for all sides or as a vector-valued boolean `Tensor` to specify periodicity by direction.

        `phi.geom.Graph` with edge values storing the kernel values, i.e. the interaction strength between particles.
    assert isinstance(nodes, Geometry), f"nodes must be a Geometry instance but got {type(nodes)}"
    boundary = {} if boundary is None else boundary
    desired_neighbors = _DEFAULT_DESIRED_NEIGHBORS[kernel] if desired_neighbors is None else desired_neighbors
    # --- neighbor search ---
    domain = (domain.lower, domain.upper) if domain is not None else None
    support = _get_support_radius(nodes.volume, desired_neighbors, nodes.spatial_rank)
    deltas = math.pairwise_differences(, max_distance=support, format=format, method=search_method, domain=domain, periodic=periodic, avg_neighbors=desired_neighbors)
    distances = math.vec_length(deltas, eps=1e-5)
    # --- evaluate kernel and derivatives ---
    compute = [s.strip() for s in compute.split(',') if s.strip()]
    if compute:
        kernel = evaluate_kernel(deltas, distances, support, nodes.spatial_rank, kernel, types=compute)
        kernel = [v if 'vector' in v.shape else expand(v, channel(vector=k)) for k, v in kernel.items()]
        edges = concat(kernel, 'vector')
        edges = math.safe_div(1, distances)
    return Graph(nodes, edges, boundary, deltas=deltas, distances=distances, bounding_distance=support)

Build a Graph based on proximity of nodes and evaluates the kernel function.


Particles including obstacle particles as Geometry collection.
Kernel function to evaluate.
Marks ranges of nodes as boundary particles, see Graph.
Target average number of neighbors per particle. This determines the support radius (cutoff) used.
Comma-separated str of kernel properties to compute on the graph edges. Can contain 'kernel', 'grad', 'laplace'. If no kernel property is given, the edge values will be set to the inverse distance between nodes instead.
Sparse format in which store neighborhood information. Allowed strings are 'dense','csr', 'coo', 'csc'`.
Neighborhood search method, see phi.math.pairwise_differences.
(Optional) Specify a fixed domain size in which the centers of all nodes must be located. This is required for periodic domains.
Which domain boundaries should be treated as periodic, i.e. particles on opposite sides are neighbors. Can be specified as a bool for all sides or as a vector-valued boolean Tensor to specify periodicity by direction.


Graph with edge values storing the kernel values, i.e. the interaction strength between particles.