Module phi.geom

Differentiable geometry package.


See the phi.geom module documentation at

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Differentiable geometry package.


* `Geometry` (base type)
* `Box`
* `Sphere`

See the `phi.geom` module documentation at
from phiml.math import stack, concat, pack_dims  # for compatibility
from ._geom import Geometry, Point, assert_same_rank, invert
from ._union import union
from ._box import Box, GridCell, GridCell as UniformGrid, BaseBox, Cuboid
from ._sphere import Sphere
from ._transform import embed, infinite_cylinder

__all__ = [key for key in globals().keys() if not key.startswith('_')]


def assert_same_rank(rank1, rank2, error_message)

Tests that two objects have the same spatial rank. Objects can be of types: int, None (no check), Geometry, Shape, Tensor

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def assert_same_rank(rank1, rank2, error_message):
    """ Tests that two objects have the same spatial rank. Objects can be of types: `int`, `None` (no check), `Geometry`, `Shape`, `Tensor` """
    rank1_, rank2_ = _rank(rank1), _rank(rank2)
    if rank1_ is not None and rank2_ is not None:
        assert rank1_ == rank2_, 'Ranks do not match: %s and %s. %s' % (rank1_, rank2_, error_message)
def concat(values: Union[tuple, list], dim: Union[str, phiml.math._shape.Shape], expand_values=False, **kwargs)

Concatenates a sequence of phiml.math.magic.Shapable objects, e.g. Tensor, along one dimension. All values must have the same spatial, instance and channel dimensions and their sizes must be equal, except for dim. Batch dimensions will be added as needed.


Tuple or list of phiml.math.magic.Shapable, such as phiml.math.Tensor
Concatenation dimension, must be present in all values. The size along dim is determined from values and can be set to undefined (None).
If True, will first add missing dimensions to all values, not just batch dimensions. This allows tensors with different dimensions to be concatenated. The resulting tensor will have all dimensions that are present in values.
Additional keyword arguments required by specific implementations. Adding spatial dimensions to fields requires the bounds: Box argument specifying the physical extent of the new dimensions. Adding batch dimensions must always work without keyword arguments.


Concatenated Tensor


>>> concat([math.zeros(batch(b=10)), math.ones(batch(b=10))], 'b')
(bᵇ=20) 0.500 ± 0.500 (0e+00...1e+00)
>>> concat([vec(x=1, y=0), vec(z=2.)], 'vector')
(x=1.000, y=0.000, z=2.000) float64
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def concat(values: Union[tuple, list], dim: Union[str, Shape], expand_values=False, **kwargs):
    Concatenates a sequence of `phiml.math.magic.Shapable` objects, e.g. `Tensor`, along one dimension.
    All values must have the same spatial, instance and channel dimensions and their sizes must be equal, except for `dim`.
    Batch dimensions will be added as needed.

        values: Tuple or list of `phiml.math.magic.Shapable`, such as `phiml.math.Tensor`
        dim: Concatenation dimension, must be present in all `values`.
            The size along `dim` is determined from `values` and can be set to undefined (`None`).
        expand_values: If `True`, will first add missing dimensions to all values, not just batch dimensions.
            This allows tensors with different dimensions to be concatenated.
            The resulting tensor will have all dimensions that are present in `values`.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments required by specific implementations.
            Adding spatial dimensions to fields requires the `bounds: Box` argument specifying the physical extent of the new dimensions.
            Adding batch dimensions must always work without keyword arguments.

        Concatenated `Tensor`

        >>> concat([math.zeros(batch(b=10)), math.ones(batch(b=10))], 'b')
        (bᵇ=20) 0.500 ± 0.500 (0e+00...1e+00)

        >>> concat([vec(x=1, y=0), vec(z=2.)], 'vector')
        (x=1.000, y=0.000, z=2.000) float64
    assert len(values) > 0, f"concat() got empty sequence {values}"
    if isinstance(dim, Shape):
        dim =
    assert isinstance(dim, str), f"dim must be a str or Shape but got '{dim}' of type {type(dim)}"
    dim = auto(dim, channel).name
    # Add missing dimensions
    if expand_values:
        all_dims = merge_shapes(*values, allow_varying_sizes=True)
        all_dims = all_dims.with_dim_size(dim, 1, keep_item_names=False)
        values = [expand(v, all_dims.without(shape(v))) for v in values]
        for v in values:
            assert dim in shape(v), f"dim must be present in the shapes of all values bot got value {type(v).__name__} with shape {shape(v)}"
        for v in values[1:]:
            assert set(non_batch(v).names) == set(non_batch(values[0]).names), f"Concatenated values must have the same non-batch dimensions but got {non_batch(values[0])} and {non_batch(v)}"
        all_batch_dims = merge_shapes(*[shape(v).batch for v in values])
        values = [expand(v, all_batch_dims) for v in values]
    # --- First try __concat__ ---
    for v in values:
        if isinstance(v, Shapable):
            if hasattr(v, '__concat__'):
                result = v.__concat__(values, dim, **kwargs)
                if result is not NotImplemented:
                    assert isinstance(result, Shapable), f"__concat__ must return a Shapable object but got {type(result).__name__} from {type(v).__name__} {v}"
                    return result
    # --- Next: try concat attributes for tree nodes ---
    if all(isinstance(v, PhiTreeNode) for v in values):
        attributes = all_attributes(values[0])
        if attributes and all(all_attributes(v) == attributes for v in values):
            new_attrs = {}
            for a in attributes:
                common_shape = merge_shapes(*[shape(getattr(v, a)).without(dim) for v in values])
                a_values = [expand(getattr(v, a), common_shape & shape(v).only(dim)) for v in values]  # expand by dim if missing, and dims of others
                new_attrs[a] = concat(a_values, dim, **kwargs)
            return copy_with(values[0], **new_attrs)
            warnings.warn(f"Failed to concat values using value attributes because attributes differ among values {values}")
    # --- Fallback: slice and stack ---
        unstacked = sum([unstack(v, dim) for v in values], ())
    except MagicNotImplemented:
        raise MagicNotImplemented(f"concat: No value implemented __concat__ and not all values were Sliceable along {dim}. values = {[type(v) for v in values]}")
    if len(unstacked) > 8:
        warnings.warn(f"concat() default implementation is slow on large dimensions ({dim}={len(unstacked)}). Please implement __concat__()", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
    dim = shape(values[0])[dim].with_size(None)
        return stack(unstacked, dim, **kwargs)
    except MagicNotImplemented:
        raise MagicNotImplemented(f"concat: No value implemented __concat__ and slices could not be stacked. values = {[type(v) for v in values]}")
def embed(geometry: phi.geom._geom.Geometry, projected_dims: Union[phiml.math._shape.Shape, str, tuple, list, None]) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Adds fake spatial dimensions to a geometry. The geometry value will be constant along the added dimensions, as if it had infinite length in these directions.

Dimensions that are already present with geometry are ignored.


Additional dimensions


Geometry with spatial rank geometry.spatial_rank + projected_dims.rank.

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def embed(geometry: Geometry, projected_dims: Union[math.Shape, str, tuple, list, None]) -> Geometry:
    Adds fake spatial dimensions to a geometry.
    The geometry value will be constant along the added dimensions, as if it had infinite length in these directions.

    Dimensions that are already present with `geometry` are ignored.

        geometry: `Geometry`
        projected_dims: Additional dimensions

        `Geometry` with spatial rank `geometry.spatial_rank + projected_dims.rank`.
    if projected_dims is None:
        return geometry
    axes = parse_dim_order(projected_dims)
    embedded_axes = [a for a in axes if a not in geometry.shape.get_item_names('vector')]
    if not embedded_axes:
        return geometry
    for name in reversed(geometry.shape.get_item_names('vector')):
        if name not in projected_dims:
            axes = (name,) + axes
    if isinstance(geometry, BaseBox):
        box = geometry.corner_representation()
        return box * Box(**{dim: None for dim in embedded_axes})
    return _EmbeddedGeometry(geometry, axes)
def infinite_cylinder(center=None, radius=None, inf_dim: Union[phiml.math._shape.Shape, tuple, list, str] = None, **center_) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Creates an infinite cylinder. This is equal to embedding an n-dimensional Sphere in n+1 dimensions.

See Also: Sphere, embed()


Center coordinates without inf_dim. Alternatively use keyword arguments.
Cylinder radius.
Dimension along which the cylinder is infinite. Use Geometry.rotated() if the direction does not align with an axis.
Alternatively specify center coordinates without inf_dim as keyword arguments.



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def infinite_cylinder(center=None, radius=None, inf_dim: Union[str, Shape, tuple, list] = None, **center_) -> Geometry:
    Creates an infinite cylinder.
    This is equal to embedding an `n`-dimensional `Sphere` in `n+1` dimensions.

    See Also:
        `Sphere`, `embed`

        center: Center coordinates without `inf_dim`. Alternatively use keyword arguments.
        radius: Cylinder radius.
        inf_dim: Dimension along which the cylinder is infinite.
            Use `Geometry.rotated()` if the direction does not align with an axis.
        **center_: Alternatively specify center coordinates without `inf_dim` as keyword arguments.

    sphere = Sphere(center, radius, **center_)
    return embed(sphere, inf_dim)
def invert(geometry: phi.geom._geom.Geometry)

Swaps inside and outside.


Geometry to swap


New Geometry object with same surface but swapped normals

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def invert(geometry: Geometry):
    Swaps inside and outside.

        geometry: `phi.geom.Geometry` to swap

        New `phi.geom.Geometry` object with same surface but swapped normals
    return ~geometry
def pack_dims(value, dims: Union[str, tuple, list, set, phiml.math._shape.Shape, Callable], packed_dim: phiml.math._shape.Shape, pos: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)

Compresses multiple dimensions into a single dimension by concatenating the elements. Elements along the new dimensions are laid out according to the order of dims. If the order of dims differs from the current dimension order, the tensor is transposed accordingly. This function replaces the traditional reshape for these cases.

The type of the new dimension will be equal to the types of dims. If dims have varying types, the new dimension will be a batch dimension.

If none of dims exist on value, packed_dim will be added only if it is given with a definite size and value is not a primitive type.

See Also: unpack_dim()


phiml.math.magic.Shapable, such as phiml.math.Tensor.
Dimensions to be compressed in the specified order.
Single-dimension Shape.
Index of new dimension. None for automatic, -1 for last, 0 for first.
Additional keyword arguments required by specific implementations. Adding spatial dimensions to fields requires the bounds: Box argument specifying the physical extent of the new dimensions. Adding batch dimensions must always work without keyword arguments.


Same type as value.


>>> pack_dims(math.zeros(spatial(x=4, y=3)), spatial, instance('points'))
(pointsⁱ=12) const 0.0
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def pack_dims(value, dims: DimFilter, packed_dim: Shape, pos: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs):
    Compresses multiple dimensions into a single dimension by concatenating the elements.
    Elements along the new dimensions are laid out according to the order of `dims`.
    If the order of `dims` differs from the current dimension order, the tensor is transposed accordingly.
    This function replaces the traditional `reshape` for these cases.

    The type of the new dimension will be equal to the types of `dims`.
    If `dims` have varying types, the new dimension will be a batch dimension.

    If none of `dims` exist on `value`, `packed_dim` will be added only if it is given with a definite size and `value` is not a primitive type.

    See Also:

        value: `phiml.math.magic.Shapable`, such as `phiml.math.Tensor`.
        dims: Dimensions to be compressed in the specified order.
        packed_dim: Single-dimension `Shape`.
        pos: Index of new dimension. `None` for automatic, `-1` for last, `0` for first.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments required by specific implementations.
            Adding spatial dimensions to fields requires the `bounds: Box` argument specifying the physical extent of the new dimensions.
            Adding batch dimensions must always work without keyword arguments.

        Same type as `value`.

        >>> pack_dims(math.zeros(spatial(x=4, y=3)), spatial, instance('points'))
        (pointsⁱ=12) const 0.0
    if isinstance(value, (Number, bool)):
        return value
    assert isinstance(value, Shapable) and isinstance(value, Sliceable) and isinstance(value, Shaped), f"value must be Shapable but got {type(value)}"
    dims = shape(value).only(dims, reorder=True)
    if packed_dim in shape(value):
        assert packed_dim in dims, f"Cannot pack dims into new dimension {packed_dim} because it already exists on value {value} and is not packed."
    if len(dims) == 0 or all(dim not in shape(value) for dim in dims):
        return value if packed_dim.size is None else expand(value, packed_dim, **kwargs)  # Inserting size=1 can cause shape errors
    elif len(dims) == 1:
        return rename_dims(value, dims, packed_dim, **kwargs)
    # --- First try __pack_dims__ ---
    if hasattr(value, '__pack_dims__'):
        result = value.__pack_dims__(dims.names, packed_dim, pos, **kwargs)
        if result is not NotImplemented:
            return result
    # --- Next try Tree Node ---
    if isinstance(value, PhiTreeNode):
        new_attributes = {a: pack_dims(getattr(value, a), dims, packed_dim, pos=pos, **kwargs) for a in all_attributes(value)}
        return copy_with(value, **new_attributes)
    # --- Fallback: unstack and stack ---
    if shape(value).only(dims).volume > 8:
        warnings.warn(f"pack_dims() default implementation is slow on large dimensions ({shape(value).only(dims)}). Please implement __pack_dims__() for {type(value).__name__} as defined in phiml.math.magic", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
    return stack(unstack(value, dims), packed_dim, **kwargs)
def stack(values: Union[tuple, list, dict], dim: Union[str, phiml.math._shape.Shape], expand_values=False, **kwargs)

Stacks values along the new dimension dim. All values must have the same spatial, instance and channel dimensions. If the dimension sizes vary, the resulting tensor will be non-uniform. Batch dimensions will be added as needed.

Stacking tensors is performed lazily, i.e. the memory is allocated only when needed. This makes repeated stacking and slicing along the same dimension very efficient, i.e. jit-compiled functions will not perform these operations.


Collection of phiml.math.magic.Shapable, such as phiml.math.Tensor If a dict, keys must be of type str and are used as item names along dim.
Shape with a least one dimension. None of these dimensions can be present with any of the values. If dim is a single-dimension shape, its size is determined from len(values) and can be left undefined (None). If dim is a multi-dimension shape, its volume must be equal to len(values).
If True, will first add missing dimensions to all values, not just batch dimensions. This allows tensors with different dimensions to be stacked. The resulting tensor will have all dimensions that are present in values.
Additional keyword arguments required by specific implementations. Adding spatial dimensions to fields requires the bounds: Box argument specifying the physical extent of the new dimensions. Adding batch dimensions must always work without keyword arguments.


Tensor containing values stacked along dim.


>>> stack({'x': 0, 'y': 1}, channel('vector'))
(x=0, y=1)
>>> stack([math.zeros(batch(b=2)), math.ones(batch(b=2))], channel(c='x,y'))
(x=0.000, y=1.000); (x=0.000, y=1.000) (bᵇ=2, cᶜ=x,y)
>>> stack([vec(x=1, y=0), vec(x=2, y=3.)], batch('b'))
(x=1.000, y=0.000); (x=2.000, y=3.000) (bᵇ=2, vectorᶜ=x,y)
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def stack(values: Union[tuple, list, dict], dim: Union[Shape, str], expand_values=False, **kwargs):
    Stacks `values` along the new dimension `dim`.
    All values must have the same spatial, instance and channel dimensions. If the dimension sizes vary, the resulting tensor will be non-uniform.
    Batch dimensions will be added as needed.

    Stacking tensors is performed lazily, i.e. the memory is allocated only when needed.
    This makes repeated stacking and slicing along the same dimension very efficient, i.e. jit-compiled functions will not perform these operations.

        values: Collection of `phiml.math.magic.Shapable`, such as `phiml.math.Tensor`
            If a `dict`, keys must be of type `str` and are used as item names along `dim`.
        dim: `Shape` with a least one dimension. None of these dimensions can be present with any of the `values`.
            If `dim` is a single-dimension shape, its size is determined from `len(values)` and can be left undefined (`None`).
            If `dim` is a multi-dimension shape, its volume must be equal to `len(values)`.
        expand_values: If `True`, will first add missing dimensions to all values, not just batch dimensions.
            This allows tensors with different dimensions to be stacked.
            The resulting tensor will have all dimensions that are present in `values`.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments required by specific implementations.
            Adding spatial dimensions to fields requires the `bounds: Box` argument specifying the physical extent of the new dimensions.
            Adding batch dimensions must always work without keyword arguments.

        `Tensor` containing `values` stacked along `dim`.

        >>> stack({'x': 0, 'y': 1}, channel('vector'))
        (x=0, y=1)

        >>> stack([math.zeros(batch(b=2)), math.ones(batch(b=2))], channel(c='x,y'))
        (x=0.000, y=1.000); (x=0.000, y=1.000) (bᵇ=2, cᶜ=x,y)

        >>> stack([vec(x=1, y=0), vec(x=2, y=3.)], batch('b'))
        (x=1.000, y=0.000); (x=2.000, y=3.000) (bᵇ=2, vectorᶜ=x,y)
    assert len(values) > 0, f"stack() got empty sequence {values}"
    if not dim:
        assert len(values) == 1, f"Only one element can be passed as `values` if no dim is passed but got {values}"
        from ._tensors import wrap
        return wrap(next(iter(values.values())) if isinstance(values, dict) else values[0])
    if not isinstance(dim, Shape):
        dim = auto(dim)
    values_ = tuple(values.values()) if isinstance(values, dict) else values
    if not expand_values:
        for v in values_[1:]:
            assert set(non_batch(v).names) == set(non_batch(values_[0]).names), f"When expand_values=False, stacked values must have the same non-batch dimensions but got {non_batch(values_[0])} and {non_batch(v)}"
    # --- Add missing dimensions ---
    if expand_values:
        all_dims = merge_shapes(*values_, allow_varying_sizes=True)
        if isinstance(values, dict):
            values = {k: expand(v, all_dims.without(shape(v))) for k, v in values.items()}
            values = [expand(v, all_dims.without(shape(v))) for v in values]
        all_batch_dims = merge_shapes(*[shape(v).batch for v in values_], allow_varying_sizes=True)
        if isinstance(values, dict):
            values = {k: expand(v, all_batch_dims.without(shape(v))) for k, v in values.items()}
            values = [expand(v, all_batch_dims.without(shape(v))) for v in values]
    if dim.rank == 1:
        assert dim.size == len(values) or dim.size is None, f"stack dim size must match len(values) or be undefined but got {dim} for {len(values)} values"
        if dim.size is None:
            dim = dim.with_size(len(values))
        if isinstance(values, dict):
            dim_item_names = tuple(values.keys())
            values = tuple(values.values())
            dim = dim.with_size(dim_item_names)
        # --- First try __stack__ ---
        for v in values:
            if hasattr(v, '__stack__'):
                result = v.__stack__(values, dim, **kwargs)
                if result is not NotImplemented:
                    assert isinstance(result, Shapable), "__stack__ must return a Shapable object"
                    return result
        # --- Next: try stacking attributes for tree nodes ---
        if all(isinstance(v, PhiTreeNode) for v in values):
            attributes = all_attributes(values[0])
            if attributes and all(all_attributes(v) == attributes for v in values):
                new_attrs = {}
                for a in attributes:
                    assert all(dim not in shape(getattr(v, a)) for v in values), f"Cannot stack attribute {a} because one values contains the stack dimension {dim}."
                    a_values = [getattr(v, a) for v in values]
                    if all(v is a_values[0] for v in a_values[1:]):
                        new_attrs[a] = expand(a_values[0], dim, **kwargs)
                        new_attrs[a] = stack(a_values, dim, expand_values=expand_values, **kwargs)
                return copy_with(values[0], **new_attrs)
                warnings.warn(f"Failed to concat values using value attributes because attributes differ among values {values}")
        # --- Fallback: use expand and concat ---
        for v in values:
            if not hasattr(v, '__stack__') and hasattr(v, '__concat__') and hasattr(v, '__expand__'):
                expanded_values = tuple([expand(v, dim.with_size(1 if dim.item_names[0] is None else dim.item_names[0][i]), **kwargs) for i, v in enumerate(values)])
                if len(expanded_values) > 8:
                    warnings.warn(f"stack() default implementation is slow on large dimensions ({}={len(expanded_values)}). Please implement __stack__()", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
                result = v.__concat__(expanded_values,, **kwargs)
                if result is not NotImplemented:
                    assert isinstance(result, Shapable), "__concat__ must return a Shapable object"
                    return result
        # --- else maybe all values are native scalars ---
        from ._tensors import wrap
            values = tuple([wrap(v) for v in values])
        except ValueError:
            raise MagicNotImplemented(f"At least one item in values must be Shapable but got types {[type(v) for v in values]}")
        return values[0].__stack__(values, dim, **kwargs)
    else:  # multi-dim stack
        assert dim.volume == len(values), f"When passing multiple stack dims, their volume must equal len(values) but got {dim} for {len(values)} values"
        if isinstance(values, dict):
            warnings.warn(f"When stacking a dict along multiple dimensions, the key names are discarded. Got keys {tuple(values.keys())}", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
            values = tuple(values.values())
        # --- if any value implements Shapable, use stack and unpack_dim ---
        for v in values:
            if hasattr(v, '__stack__') and hasattr(v, '__unpack_dim__'):
                stack_dim = batch('_stack')
                stacked = v.__stack__(values, stack_dim, **kwargs)
                if stacked is not NotImplemented:
                    assert isinstance(stacked, Shapable), "__stack__ must return a Shapable object"
                    assert hasattr(stacked, '__unpack_dim__'), "If a value supports __unpack_dim__, the result of __stack__ must also support it."
                    reshaped = stacked.__unpack_dim__(, dim, **kwargs)
                    if kwargs is NotImplemented:
                        warnings.warn("__unpack_dim__ is overridden but returned NotImplemented during multi-dimensional stack. This results in unnecessary stack operations.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
                        return reshaped
        # --- Fallback: multi-level stack ---
        for dim_ in reversed(dim):
            values = [stack(values[i:i + dim_.size], dim_, **kwargs) for i in range(0, len(values), dim_.size)]
        return values[0]
def union(*geometries) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Union of the given geometries. A point lies inside the union if it lies within at least one of the geometries.


arbitrary geometries with same spatial dims. Arbitrary batch dims are allowed.


union Geometry

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def union(*geometries) -> Geometry:
    Union of the given geometries.
    A point lies inside the union if it lies within at least one of the geometries.

      geometries: arbitrary geometries with same spatial dims. Arbitrary batch dims are allowed.

      union Geometry

    if len(geometries) == 1 and isinstance(geometries[0], (tuple, list)):
        geometries = geometries[0]
    if len(geometries) == 0:
        return NO_GEOMETRY
    elif len(geometries) == 1:
        return geometries[0]
    elif all(type(g) == type(geometries[0]) and isinstance(g, PhiTreeNode) for g in geometries):
        attrs = variable_attributes(geometries[0])
        values = {a: math.stack([getattr(g, a) for g in geometries], math.instance('union')) for a in attrs}
        return copy_with(geometries[0], **values)
        base_geometries = ()
        for geometry in geometries:
            base_geometries += geometry.geometries if isinstance(geometry, Union) else (geometry,)
        return Union(base_geometries)


class BaseBox

Abstract base type for box-like geometries.

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class BaseBox(Geometry):  # not a Subwoofer
    Abstract base type for box-like geometries.

    def __eq__(self, other):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def __hash__(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def shape(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def center(self) -> Tensor:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def at(self, center: Tensor) -> 'BaseBox':
        return Cuboid(center, self.half_size)

    def size(self) -> Tensor:
        raise NotImplementedError(self)

    def half_size(self) -> Tensor:
        raise NotImplementedError(self)

    def lower(self) -> Tensor:
        raise NotImplementedError(self)

    def upper(self) -> Tensor:
        raise NotImplementedError(self)

    def volume(self) -> Tensor:
        return, 'vector')

    def shape_type(self) -> Tensor:
        return math.tensor('B')

    def bounding_radius(self):
        return math.vec_length(self.half_size)

    def bounding_half_extent(self):
        return self.size * 0.5

    def global_to_local(self, global_position: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        if math.close(self.lower, 0):
            return global_position / self.size
            return (global_position - self.lower) / self.size

    def local_to_global(self, local_position):
        return local_position * self.size + self.lower

    def lies_inside(self, location):
        bool_inside = (location >= self.lower) & (location <= self.upper)
        bool_inside = math.all(bool_inside, 'vector')
        bool_inside = math.any(bool_inside, self.shape.instance)  # union for instance dimensions
        return bool_inside

    def approximate_signed_distance(self, location: Union[Tensor, tuple]):
        Computes the signed L-infinity norm (manhattan distance) from the location to the nearest side of the box.
        For an outside location `l` with the closest surface point `s`, the distance is `max(abs(l - s))`.
        For inside locations it is `-max(abs(l - s))`.

          location: float tensor of shape (batch_size, ..., rank)

          float tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

        center = 0.5 * (self.lower + self.upper)
        extent = self.upper - self.lower
        distance = math.abs(location - center) - extent * 0.5
        distance = math.max(distance, 'vector')
        distance = math.min(distance, self.shape.instance)  # union for instance dimensions
        return distance

    def push(self, positions: Tensor, outward: bool = True, shift_amount: float = 0) -> Tensor:
        loc_to_center = positions -
        sgn_dist_from_surface = math.abs(loc_to_center) - self.half_size
        if outward:
            # --- get negative distances (particles are inside) towards the nearest boundary and add shift_amount ---
            distances_of_interest = (sgn_dist_from_surface == math.max(sgn_dist_from_surface, 'vector')) & (sgn_dist_from_surface < 0)
            shift = distances_of_interest * (sgn_dist_from_surface - shift_amount)
            shift = (sgn_dist_from_surface + shift_amount) * (sgn_dist_from_surface > 0)  # get positive distances (particles are outside) and add shift_amount
            shift = math.where(math.abs(shift) > math.abs(loc_to_center), math.abs(loc_to_center), shift)  # ensure inward shift ends at center
        return positions + math.where(loc_to_center < 0, 1, -1) * shift

    def project(self, *dimensions: str):
        """ Project this box into a lower-dimensional space. """
        warnings.warn("Box.project(dims) is deprecated. Use Box.vector[dims] instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        return self.vector[dimensions]

    def sample_uniform(self, *shape: math.Shape) -> Tensor:
        uniform = math.random_uniform(self.shape.non_singleton, *shape,
        return self.lower + uniform * self.size

    def corner_representation(self) -> 'Box':
        return Box(self.lower, self.upper)

    box = corner_representation

    def center_representation(self) -> 'Cuboid':
        return Cuboid(, self.half_size)

    def contains(self, other: 'BaseBox'):
        """ Tests if the other box lies fully inside this box. """
        return np.all(other.lower >= self.lower) and np.all(other.upper <= self.upper)

    def rotated(self, angle) -> Geometry:
        from ._transform import rotate
        return rotate(self, angle)

    def scaled(self, factor: Union[float, Tensor]) -> 'Geometry':
        return Cuboid(, self.half_size * factor)


  • phi.geom._geom.Geometry


  • phi.geom._box.Box
  • phi.geom._box.Cuboid
  • phi.geom._box.GridCell

Instance variables

var center : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Center location in single channel dimension.

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def center(self) -> Tensor:
    raise NotImplementedError()
var half_size : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor
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def half_size(self) -> Tensor:
    raise NotImplementedError(self)
var lower : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor
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def lower(self) -> Tensor:
    raise NotImplementedError(self)
var shape

The shape of a Geometry consists of the following dimensions:

  • A single channel dimension called 'vector' specifying the physical space
  • Instance dimensions denote that this geometry consists of multiple copies in the same space
  • Spatial dimensions denote a crystal (repeating structure) of this geometric primitive in space
  • Batch dimensions indicate non-interacting versions of this geometry for parallelization only.
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def shape(self):
    raise NotImplementedError()
var shape_type : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Returns the type (or types) of this geometry as a string Tensor Boxes return 'B', spheres return 'S', points return 'P'. Returns '?' for unknown types, e.g. a union over multiple types. Custom types can return their own identifiers.


String Tensor

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def shape_type(self) -> Tensor:
    return math.tensor('B')
var size : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor
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def size(self) -> Tensor:
    raise NotImplementedError(self)
var upper : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor
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def upper(self) -> Tensor:
    raise NotImplementedError(self)
var volume : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Volume of the geometry as phiml.math.Tensor. The result retains all batch dimensions while instance dimensions are summed over.

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def volume(self) -> Tensor:
    return, 'vector')


def approximate_signed_distance(self, location: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, tuple])

Computes the signed L-infinity norm (manhattan distance) from the location to the nearest side of the box. For an outside location l with the closest surface point s, the distance is max(abs(l - s)). For inside locations it is -max(abs(l - s)).


float tensor of shape (batch_size, …, rank)


float tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

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def approximate_signed_distance(self, location: Union[Tensor, tuple]):
    Computes the signed L-infinity norm (manhattan distance) from the location to the nearest side of the box.
    For an outside location `l` with the closest surface point `s`, the distance is `max(abs(l - s))`.
    For inside locations it is `-max(abs(l - s))`.

      location: float tensor of shape (batch_size, ..., rank)

      float tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

    center = 0.5 * (self.lower + self.upper)
    extent = self.upper - self.lower
    distance = math.abs(location - center) - extent * 0.5
    distance = math.max(distance, 'vector')
    distance = math.min(distance, self.shape.instance)  # union for instance dimensions
    return distance
def at(self, center: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor) ‑> phi.geom._box.BaseBox

Returns a copy of this Geometry with the center at center. This is equal to calling self @ center.

See Also: Geometry.shifted().


New center as Tensor.



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def at(self, center: Tensor) -> 'BaseBox':
    return Cuboid(center, self.half_size)
def bounding_half_extent(self)

The bounding half-extent sets a limit on the outer-most point for each coordinate axis. Each component is non-negative.

Let the bounding half-extent have value e in dimension d (extent[...,d] = e). Then, no point of the geometry lies further away from its center point than e along d (in both axis directions).

:return: float vector



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def bounding_half_extent(self):
    return self.size * 0.5
def bounding_radius(self)

Returns the radius of a Sphere object that fully encloses this geometry. The sphere is centered at the center of this geometry.

:return: radius of type float



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def bounding_radius(self):
    return math.vec_length(self.half_size)
def box(self) ‑> phi.geom._box.Box
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def corner_representation(self) -> 'Box':
    return Box(self.lower, self.upper)
def center_representation(self) ‑> phi.geom._box.Cuboid
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def center_representation(self) -> 'Cuboid':
    return Cuboid(, self.half_size)
def contains(self, other: BaseBox)

Tests if the other box lies fully inside this box.

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def contains(self, other: 'BaseBox'):
    """ Tests if the other box lies fully inside this box. """
    return np.all(other.lower >= self.lower) and np.all(other.upper <= self.upper)
def corner_representation(self) ‑> phi.geom._box.Box
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def corner_representation(self) -> 'Box':
    return Box(self.lower, self.upper)
def global_to_local(self, global_position: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor
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def global_to_local(self, global_position: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    if math.close(self.lower, 0):
        return global_position / self.size
        return (global_position - self.lower) / self.size
def lies_inside(self, location)

Tests whether the given location lies inside or outside of the geometry. Locations on the surface count as inside.

When dealing with unions or collections of geometries (instance dimensions), a point lies inside the geometry if it lies inside any instance.


float tensor of shape (batch_size, …, rank)


bool tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

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def lies_inside(self, location):
    bool_inside = (location >= self.lower) & (location <= self.upper)
    bool_inside = math.all(bool_inside, 'vector')
    bool_inside = math.any(bool_inside, self.shape.instance)  # union for instance dimensions
    return bool_inside
def local_to_global(self, local_position)
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def local_to_global(self, local_position):
    return local_position * self.size + self.lower
def project(self, *dimensions: str)

Project this box into a lower-dimensional space.

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def project(self, *dimensions: str):
    """ Project this box into a lower-dimensional space. """
    warnings.warn("Box.project(dims) is deprecated. Use Box.vector[dims] instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
    return self.vector[dimensions]
def push(self, positions: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, outward: bool = True, shift_amount: float = 0) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Shifts positions either into or out of geometry.


Tensor holding positions to shift
Flag for indicating inward (False) or outward (True) shift
Minimum distance between positions and box boundaries after shifting


Tensor holding shifted positions

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def push(self, positions: Tensor, outward: bool = True, shift_amount: float = 0) -> Tensor:
    loc_to_center = positions -
    sgn_dist_from_surface = math.abs(loc_to_center) - self.half_size
    if outward:
        # --- get negative distances (particles are inside) towards the nearest boundary and add shift_amount ---
        distances_of_interest = (sgn_dist_from_surface == math.max(sgn_dist_from_surface, 'vector')) & (sgn_dist_from_surface < 0)
        shift = distances_of_interest * (sgn_dist_from_surface - shift_amount)
        shift = (sgn_dist_from_surface + shift_amount) * (sgn_dist_from_surface > 0)  # get positive distances (particles are outside) and add shift_amount
        shift = math.where(math.abs(shift) > math.abs(loc_to_center), math.abs(loc_to_center), shift)  # ensure inward shift ends at center
    return positions + math.where(loc_to_center < 0, 1, -1) * shift
def rotated(self, angle) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Returns a rotated version of this geometry. The geometry is rotated about its center point.


scalar (2d) or vector (3D+) representing delta angle


Rotated Geometry

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def rotated(self, angle) -> Geometry:
    from ._transform import rotate
    return rotate(self, angle)
def sample_uniform(self, *shape: phiml.math._shape.Shape) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Samples uniformly distributed random points inside this volume.


How many points to sample per individual geometry.


Tensor containing all dimensions from Geometry.shape, shape as well as a channel dimension vector matching the dimensionality of this Geometry.

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def sample_uniform(self, *shape: math.Shape) -> Tensor:
    uniform = math.random_uniform(self.shape.non_singleton, *shape,
    return self.lower + uniform * self.size
def scaled(self, factor: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, float]) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Scales each individual geometry by factor. The individual center points act as pivots for the operation.


factor: Returns:

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def scaled(self, factor: Union[float, Tensor]) -> 'Geometry':
    return Cuboid(, self.half_size * factor)
class Box (lower: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor = None, upper: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor = None, **size: Union[int, phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, tuple, list])

Simple cuboid defined by location of lower and upper corner in physical space.

Boxes can be constructed either from two positional vector arguments (lower, upper) or by specifying the limits by dimension name as kwargs.


>>> Box(x=1, y=1)  # creates a two-dimensional unit box with `lower=(0, 0)` and `upper=(1, 1)`.
>>> Box(x=(None, 1), y=(0, None)  # creates a Box with `lower=(-inf, 0)` and `upper=(1, inf)`.

The slicing constructor was updated in version 2.2 and now requires the dimension order as the first argument.

>>> Box['x,y', 0:1, 0:1]  # creates a two-dimensional unit box with `lower=(0, 0)` and `upper=(1, 1)`.
>>> Box['x,y', :1, 0:]  # creates a Box with `lower=(-inf, 0)` and `upper=(1, inf)`.


physical location of lower corner
physical location of upper corner
Specify size by dimension, either as int or tuple containing (lower, upper).
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class Box(BaseBox, metaclass=BoxType):
    Simple cuboid defined by location of lower and upper corner in physical space.

    Boxes can be constructed either from two positional vector arguments `(lower, upper)` or by specifying the limits by dimension name as `kwargs`.

        >>> Box(x=1, y=1)  # creates a two-dimensional unit box with `lower=(0, 0)` and `upper=(1, 1)`.
        >>> Box(x=(None, 1), y=(0, None)  # creates a Box with `lower=(-inf, 0)` and `upper=(1, inf)`.

        The slicing constructor was updated in version 2.2 and now requires the dimension order as the first argument.

        >>> Box['x,y', 0:1, 0:1]  # creates a two-dimensional unit box with `lower=(0, 0)` and `upper=(1, 1)`.
        >>> Box['x,y', :1, 0:]  # creates a Box with `lower=(-inf, 0)` and `upper=(1, inf)`.

    def __init__(self, lower: Tensor = None, upper: Tensor = None, **size: Union[int, Tensor, tuple, list]):
          lower: physical location of lower corner
          upper: physical location of upper corner
          **size: Specify size by dimension, either as `int` or `tuple` containing (lower, upper).
        if lower is not None:
            assert isinstance(lower, Tensor), f"lower must be a Tensor but got {type(lower)}"
            assert 'vector' in lower.shape, "lower must have a vector dimension"
            assert lower.vector.item_names is not None, "vector dimension of lower must list spatial dimension order"
            self._lower = lower
        if upper is not None:
            assert isinstance(upper, Tensor), f"upper must be a Tensor but got {type(upper)}"
            assert 'vector' in upper.shape, "lower must have a vector dimension"
            assert upper.vector.item_names is not None, "vector dimension of lower must list spatial dimension order"
            self._upper = upper
            lower = []
            upper = []
            for item in size.values():
                if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)):
                    assert len(item) == 2, f"Box kwargs must be either dim=upper or dim=(lower,upper) but got {item}"
                    lo, up = item
                elif item is None:
            lower = [-INF if l is None else l for l in lower]
            upper = [INF if u is None else u for u in upper]
            self._upper = math.wrap(upper,
            self._lower = math.wrap(lower,
        vector_shape = self._lower.shape & self._upper.shape
        self._lower = math.expand(self._lower, vector_shape)
        self._upper = math.expand(self._upper, vector_shape)
        if self.size.vector.item_names is None:
            warnings.warn("Creating a Box without item names prevents certain operations like project()", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        item = _keep_vector(slicing_dict(self, item))
        return Box(self._lower[item], self._upper[item])

    def __stack__(values: tuple, dim: Shape, **kwargs) -> 'Geometry':
        if all(isinstance(v, Box) for v in values):
            return NotImplemented  # stack attributes
            return Geometry.__stack__(values, dim, **kwargs)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if self._lower is None and self._upper is None:
            return isinstance(other, Box)
        return isinstance(other, BaseBox)\
               and set(self.shape) == set(other.shape)\
               and self.size.shape.get_size('vector') == other.size.shape.get_size('vector')\
               and math.close(self._lower, other.lower)\
               and math.close(self._upper, other.upper)

    def without(self, dims: Tuple[str, ...]):
        remaining = list(self.shape.get_item_names('vector'))
        for dim in dims:
            if dim in remaining:
        return self.vector[remaining]

    def largest(self, dim: DimFilter) -> 'Box':
        dim = self.shape.without('vector').only(dim)
        if not dim:
            return self
        return Box(math.min(self._lower, dim), math.max(self._upper, dim))

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self._upper)

    def __variable_attrs__(self):
        return '_lower', '_upper'

    def shape(self):
        if self._lower is None or self._upper is None:
            return None
        return self._lower.shape & self._upper.shape

    def lower(self):
        return self._lower

    def upper(self):
        return self._upper

    def size(self):
        return self.upper - self.lower

    def center(self):
        return 0.5 * (self.lower + self.upper)

    def half_size(self):
        return self.size * 0.5

    def shifted(self, delta, **delta_by_dim):
        return Box(self.lower + delta, self.upper + delta)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Box):
            return NotImplemented
        lower = self._lower.vector.unstack(self.spatial_rank) + other._lower.vector.unstack(other.spatial_rank)
        upper = self._upper.vector.unstack(self.spatial_rank) + other._upper.vector.unstack(other.spatial_rank)
        names = self._upper.vector.item_names + other._upper.vector.item_names
        lower = math.stack(lower,
        upper = math.stack(upper,
        return Box(lower, upper)

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.shape.non_channel.volume == 1:
            item_names = self.size.vector.item_names
            if item_names:
                return f"Box({', '.join([f'{dim}=({lo}, {up})' for dim, lo, up in zip(item_names, self._lower, self._upper)])})"
            else:  # deprecated
                return 'Box[%s at %s]' % ('x'.join([str(x) for x in self.size.numpy().flatten()]), ','.join([str(x) for x in self.lower.numpy().flatten()]))
            return f'Box[shape={self.shape}]'


  • phi.geom._box.BaseBox
  • phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Instance variables

var center

Center location in single channel dimension.

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def center(self):
    return 0.5 * (self.lower + self.upper)
var half_size
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def half_size(self):
    return self.size * 0.5
var lower
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def lower(self):
    return self._lower
var shape

The shape of a Geometry consists of the following dimensions:

  • A single channel dimension called 'vector' specifying the physical space
  • Instance dimensions denote that this geometry consists of multiple copies in the same space
  • Spatial dimensions denote a crystal (repeating structure) of this geometric primitive in space
  • Batch dimensions indicate non-interacting versions of this geometry for parallelization only.
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def shape(self):
    if self._lower is None or self._upper is None:
        return None
    return self._lower.shape & self._upper.shape
var size
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def size(self):
    return self.upper - self.lower
var upper
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def upper(self):
    return self._upper


def largest(self, dim: Union[str, tuple, list, set, phiml.math._shape.Shape, Callable]) ‑> phi.geom._box.Box
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def largest(self, dim: DimFilter) -> 'Box':
    dim = self.shape.without('vector').only(dim)
    if not dim:
        return self
    return Box(math.min(self._lower, dim), math.max(self._upper, dim))
def shifted(self, delta, **delta_by_dim)

Returns a translated version of this geometry.

See Also:


direction vector


shifted geometry
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def shifted(self, delta, **delta_by_dim):
    return Box(self.lower + delta, self.upper + delta)
def without(self, dims: Tuple[str, ...])
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def without(self, dims: Tuple[str, ...]):
    remaining = list(self.shape.get_item_names('vector'))
    for dim in dims:
        if dim in remaining:
    return self.vector[remaining]
class Cuboid (center: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor = 0, half_size: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, float] = None, **size: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, float])

Box specified by center position and half size.

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class Cuboid(BaseBox):
    Box specified by center position and half size.

    def __init__(self,
                 center: Tensor = 0,
                 half_size: Union[float, Tensor] = None,
                 **size: Union[float, Tensor]):
        if half_size is not None:
            assert isinstance(half_size, Tensor), "half_size must be a Tensor"
            assert 'vector' in half_size.shape, f"Cuboid size must have a 'vector' dimension."
            assert half_size.shape.get_item_names('vector') is not None, f"Vector dimension must list spatial dimensions as item names. Use the syntax Cuboid(x=x, y=y) to assign names."
            self._half_size = half_size
            self._half_size = math.wrap(tuple(size.values()), * 0.5
        center = wrap(center)
        if 'vector' not in center.shape or center.shape.get_item_names('vector') is None:
            center = math.expand(center, channel(self._half_size))
        self._center = center

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if self._center is None and self._half_size is None:
            return isinstance(other, Cuboid)
        return isinstance(other, BaseBox)\
               and set(self.shape) == set(other.shape)\
               and math.close(self._center,\
               and math.close(self._half_size, other.half_size)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self._center)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Cuboid(center={self._center}, half_size={self._half_size})"

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        item = _keep_vector(slicing_dict(self, item))
        return Cuboid(self._center[item], self._half_size[item])

    def __stack__(values: tuple, dim: Shape, **kwargs) -> 'Geometry':
        if all(isinstance(v, Cuboid) for v in values):
            return Cuboid(math.stack([ for v in values], dim, **kwargs), math.stack([v.half_size for v in values], dim, **kwargs))
            return Geometry.__stack__(values, dim, **kwargs)

    def __variable_attrs__(self):
        return '_center', '_half_size'

    def center(self):
        return self._center

    def half_size(self):
        return self._half_size

    def shape(self):
        if self._center is None or self._half_size is None:
            return None
        return self._center.shape & self._half_size.shape

    def size(self):
        return 2 * self.half_size

    def lower(self):
        return - self.half_size

    def upper(self):
        return + self.half_size

    def shifted(self, delta, **delta_by_dim) -> 'Cuboid':
        return Cuboid(self._center + delta, self._half_size)


  • phi.geom._box.BaseBox
  • phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Instance variables

var center

Center location in single channel dimension.

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def center(self):
    return self._center
var half_size
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def half_size(self):
    return self._half_size
var lower
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def lower(self):
    return - self.half_size
var shape

The shape of a Geometry consists of the following dimensions:

  • A single channel dimension called 'vector' specifying the physical space
  • Instance dimensions denote that this geometry consists of multiple copies in the same space
  • Spatial dimensions denote a crystal (repeating structure) of this geometric primitive in space
  • Batch dimensions indicate non-interacting versions of this geometry for parallelization only.
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def shape(self):
    if self._center is None or self._half_size is None:
        return None
    return self._center.shape & self._half_size.shape
var size
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def size(self):
    return 2 * self.half_size
var upper
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def upper(self):
    return + self.half_size


def shifted(self, delta, **delta_by_dim) ‑> phi.geom._box.Cuboid

Returns a translated version of this geometry.

See Also:


direction vector


shifted geometry
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def shifted(self, delta, **delta_by_dim) -> 'Cuboid':
    return Cuboid(self._center + delta, self._half_size)
class Geometry

Abstract base class for N-dimensional shapes.

Main implementing classes:

  • Sphere
  • box family: box (generator), Box, Cuboid, BaseBox

All geometry objects support batching. Thereby any parameter defining the geometry can be varied along arbitrary batch dims. All batch dimensions are listed in Geometry.shape.

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class Geometry:
    Abstract base class for N-dimensional shapes.

    Main implementing classes:

    * Sphere
    * box family: box (generator), Box, Cuboid, BaseBox

    All geometry objects support batching.
    Thereby any parameter defining the geometry can be varied along arbitrary batch dims.
    All batch dimensions are listed in Geometry.shape.

    def center(self) -> Tensor:
        Center location in single channel dimension.
        raise NotImplementedError(self)

    def shape(self) -> Shape:
        The `shape` of a `Geometry` consists of the following dimensions:

        * A single *channel* dimension called `'vector'` specifying the physical space
        * Instance dimensions denote that this geometry consists of multiple copies in the same space
        * Spatial dimensions denote a crystal (repeating structure) of this geometric primitive in space
        * Batch dimensions indicate non-interacting versions of this geometry for parallelization only.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def volume(self) -> Tensor:
        Volume of the geometry as `phiml.math.Tensor`.
        The result retains all batch dimensions while instance dimensions are summed over.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def shape_type(self) -> Tensor:
        Returns the type (or types) of this geometry as a string `Tensor`
        Boxes return `'B'`, spheres return `'S'`, points return `'P'`.
        Returns `'?'` for unknown types, e.g. a union over multiple types.
        Custom types can return their own identifiers.

            String `Tensor`
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def unstack(self, dimension: str) -> tuple:
        Unstacks this Geometry along the given dimension.
        The shapes of the returned geometries are reduced by `dimension`.

            dimension: dimension along which to unstack

            geometries: tuple of length equal to `geometry.shape.get_size(dimension)`
        return math.unstack(self, dimension)

    def spatial_rank(self) -> int:
        """ Number of spatial dimensions of the geometry, 1 = 1D, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D, etc. """
        return self.shape.get_size('vector')

    def lies_inside(self, location: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        Tests whether the given location lies inside or outside of the geometry. Locations on the surface count as inside.

        When dealing with unions or collections of geometries (instance dimensions), a point lies inside the geometry if it lies inside any instance.

          location: float tensor of shape (batch_size, ..., rank)

          bool tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

        raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)

    def approximate_signed_distance(self, location: Union[Tensor, tuple]) -> Tensor:
        Computes the approximate distance from location to the surface of the geometry.
        Locations outside return positive values, inside negative values and zero exactly at the boundary.

        The exact distance metric used depends on the geometry.
        The approximation holds close to the surface and the distance grows to infinity as the location is moved infinitely far from the geometry.
        The distance metric is differentiable and its gradients are bounded at every point in space.

        When dealing with unions or collections of geometries (instance dimensions), the shortest distance to any instance is returned.
        This also holds for negative distances.

          location: float tensor of shape (batch_size, ..., rank)
          location: Tensor:

          float tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

        raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)

    def approximate_fraction_inside(self, other_geometry: 'Geometry', balance: Union[Tensor, Number] = 0.5) -> Tensor:
        Computes the approximate overlap between the geometry and a small other geometry.
        Returns 1.0 if `other_geometry` is fully enclosed in this geometry and 0.0 if there is no overlap.
        Close to the surface of this geometry, the fraction filled is differentiable w.r.t. the location and size of `other_geometry`.

        To call this method on batches of geometries of same shape, pass a batched Geometry instance.
        The result tensor will match the batch shape of `other_geometry`.

        The result may only be accurate in special cases.
        The given geometries may be approximated as spheres or boxes using `bounding_radius()` and `bounding_half_extent()`.

        The default implementation of this method approximates other_geometry as a Sphere and computes the fraction using `approximate_signed_distance()`.

            other_geometry: `Geometry` or geometry batch for which to compute the overlap with `self`.
            balance: Mid-level between 0 and 1, default 0.5.
                This value is returned when exactly half of `other_geometry` lies inside `self`.
                `0.5 < balance <= 1` makes `self` seem larger while `0 <= balance < 0.5`makes `self` seem smaller.

          fraction of cell volume lying inside the geometry. float tensor of shape (other_geometry.batch_shape, 1).

        assert isinstance(other_geometry, Geometry)
        radius = other_geometry.bounding_radius()
        location =
        distance = self.approximate_signed_distance(location)
        inside_fraction = balance - distance / radius
        inside_fraction = math.clip(inside_fraction, 0, 1)
        return inside_fraction

    def push(self, positions: Tensor, outward: bool = True, shift_amount: float = 0) -> Tensor:
        Shifts positions either into or out of geometry.

            positions: Tensor holding positions to shift
            outward: Flag for indicating inward (False) or outward (True) shift
            shift_amount: Minimum distance between positions and box boundaries after shifting

            Tensor holding shifted positions
        raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)

    def sample_uniform(self, *shape: math.Shape) -> Tensor:
        Samples uniformly distributed random points inside this volume.

            *shape: How many points to sample per individual geometry.

            `Tensor` containing all dimensions from `Geometry.shape`, `shape` as well as a `channel` dimension `vector` matching the dimensionality of this `Geometry`.
        raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)

    def bounding_radius(self) -> Tensor:
        Returns the radius of a Sphere object that fully encloses this geometry.
        The sphere is centered at the center of this geometry.

        :return: radius of type float



        raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)

    def bounding_half_extent(self) -> Tensor:
        The bounding half-extent sets a limit on the outer-most point for each coordinate axis.
        Each component is non-negative.

        Let the bounding half-extent have value `e` in dimension `d` (`extent[...,d] = e`).
        Then, no point of the geometry lies further away from its center point than `e` along `d` (in both axis directions).

        :return: float vector



        raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)

    def bounding_box(self) -> 'BaseBox':
        Returns the approximately smallest axis-aligned box that contains this `Geometry`.
        The center of the box may not be equal to ``.

            `Box` or `Cuboid` that fully contains this `Geometry`.
        from ._box import Cuboid
        return Cuboid(, half_size=self.bounding_half_extent())

    def shifted(self, delta: Tensor) -> 'Geometry':
        Returns a translated version of this geometry.

        See Also:

          delta: direction vector
          delta: Tensor:

          Geometry: shifted geometry

        return + delta)

    def at(self, center: Tensor) -> 'Geometry':
        Returns a copy of this `Geometry` with the center at `center`.
        This is equal to calling `self @ center`.

        See Also:

            center: New center as `Tensor`.

        raise NotImplementedError

    def __matmul__(self, other):

    def rotated(self, angle: Union[float, Tensor]) -> 'Geometry':
        Returns a rotated version of this geometry.
        The geometry is rotated about its center point.

          angle: scalar (2d) or vector (3D+) representing delta angle

            Rotated `Geometry`
        raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)

    def scaled(self, factor: Union[float, Tensor]) -> 'Geometry':
        Scales each individual geometry by `factor`.
        The individual `center` points act as pivots for the operation.



        raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)

    def __invert__(self):
        return _InvertedGeometry(self)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        Slow equality check.
        Unlike `==`, this method compares all tensor elements to check whether they are equal.
        Use `==` for a faster check which only checks whether the referenced tensors are the same.

        See Also:
        if self is other:
            return True
        if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
            return False
        if self.shape != other.shape:
            return False
        c1 = {a: getattr(self, a) for a in variable_attributes(self)}
        c2 = {a: getattr(other, a) for a in variable_attributes(self)}
        for c in c1.keys():
            if c1[c] is not c2[c] and math.any(c1[c] != c2[c]):
                return False
        return True

    def shallow_equals(self, other):
        Quick equality check.
        May return `False` even if `other == self`.
        However, if `True` is returned, the geometries are guaranteed to be equal.

        The `shallow_equals()` check does not compare all tensor elements but merely checks whether the same tensors are referenced.
        if self is other:
            return True
        if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
            return False
        if self.shape != other.shape:
            return False
        c1 = {a: getattr(self, a) for a in variable_attributes(self)}
        c2 = {a: getattr(other, a) for a in variable_attributes(self)}
        for c in c1.keys():
            if c1[c] is not c2[c]:
                return False
        return True

    def __stack__(values: tuple, dim: Shape, **kwargs) -> 'Geometry':
        if all(type(v) == type(values[0]) for v in values):
            return NotImplemented  # let attributes be stacked
            from ._stack import GeometryStack
            return GeometryStack(math.layout(values, dim))

    def __flatten__(self, flat_dim: Shape, flatten_batch: bool, **kwargs) -> 'Geometry':
        dims = self.shape.without('vector')
        if not flatten_batch:
            dims = dims.non_batch
        return math.pack_dims(self, dims, flat_dim, **kwargs)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __hash__(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}{self.shape}"

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        raise NotImplementedError
        # assert isinstance(item, dict), "Index must be dict of type {dim: slice/int}."
        # item = {dim: sel for dim, sel in item.items() if dim != 'vector'}
        # attrs = {a: getattr(self, a)[item] for a in variable_attributes(self)}
        # return copy_with(self, **attrs)

    def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> BoundDim:
        return BoundDim(self, name)


  • phi.geom._box.BaseBox
  • phi.geom._geom.Point
  • phi.geom._geom._InvertedGeometry
  • phi.geom._geom._NoGeometry
  • phi.geom._poly_surface.PolygonSurface
  • phi.geom._sphere.Sphere
  • phi.geom._stack.GeometryStack
  • phi.geom._transform.RotatedGeometry
  • phi.geom._transform._EmbeddedGeometry
  • phi.geom._union.Union

Instance variables

var center : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Center location in single channel dimension.

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def center(self) -> Tensor:
    Center location in single channel dimension.
    raise NotImplementedError(self)
var shape : phiml.math._shape.Shape

The shape of a Geometry consists of the following dimensions:

  • A single channel dimension called 'vector' specifying the physical space
  • Instance dimensions denote that this geometry consists of multiple copies in the same space
  • Spatial dimensions denote a crystal (repeating structure) of this geometric primitive in space
  • Batch dimensions indicate non-interacting versions of this geometry for parallelization only.
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def shape(self) -> Shape:
    The `shape` of a `Geometry` consists of the following dimensions:

    * A single *channel* dimension called `'vector'` specifying the physical space
    * Instance dimensions denote that this geometry consists of multiple copies in the same space
    * Spatial dimensions denote a crystal (repeating structure) of this geometric primitive in space
    * Batch dimensions indicate non-interacting versions of this geometry for parallelization only.
    raise NotImplementedError()
var shape_type : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Returns the type (or types) of this geometry as a string Tensor Boxes return 'B', spheres return 'S', points return 'P'. Returns '?' for unknown types, e.g. a union over multiple types. Custom types can return their own identifiers.


String Tensor

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def shape_type(self) -> Tensor:
    Returns the type (or types) of this geometry as a string `Tensor`
    Boxes return `'B'`, spheres return `'S'`, points return `'P'`.
    Returns `'?'` for unknown types, e.g. a union over multiple types.
    Custom types can return their own identifiers.

        String `Tensor`
    raise NotImplementedError()
var spatial_rank : int

Number of spatial dimensions of the geometry, 1 = 1D, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D, etc.

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def spatial_rank(self) -> int:
    """ Number of spatial dimensions of the geometry, 1 = 1D, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D, etc. """
    return self.shape.get_size('vector')
var volume : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Volume of the geometry as phiml.math.Tensor. The result retains all batch dimensions while instance dimensions are summed over.

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def volume(self) -> Tensor:
    Volume of the geometry as `phiml.math.Tensor`.
    The result retains all batch dimensions while instance dimensions are summed over.
    raise NotImplementedError()


def approximate_fraction_inside(self, other_geometry: Geometry, balance: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, numbers.Number] = 0.5) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Computes the approximate overlap between the geometry and a small other geometry. Returns 1.0 if other_geometry is fully enclosed in this geometry and 0.0 if there is no overlap. Close to the surface of this geometry, the fraction filled is differentiable w.r.t. the location and size of other_geometry.

To call this method on batches of geometries of same shape, pass a batched Geometry instance. The result tensor will match the batch shape of other_geometry.

The result may only be accurate in special cases. The given geometries may be approximated as spheres or boxes using bounding_radius() and bounding_half_extent().

The default implementation of this method approximates other_geometry as a Sphere and computes the fraction using approximate_signed_distance().


Geometry or geometry batch for which to compute the overlap with self.
Mid-level between 0 and 1, default 0.5. This value is returned when exactly half of other_geometry lies inside self. 0.5 < balance <= 1 makes self seem larger while 0 <= balance < 0.5makes self seem smaller.


fraction of cell volume lying inside the geometry. float tensor of shape (other_geometry.batch_shape, 1).

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def approximate_fraction_inside(self, other_geometry: 'Geometry', balance: Union[Tensor, Number] = 0.5) -> Tensor:
    Computes the approximate overlap between the geometry and a small other geometry.
    Returns 1.0 if `other_geometry` is fully enclosed in this geometry and 0.0 if there is no overlap.
    Close to the surface of this geometry, the fraction filled is differentiable w.r.t. the location and size of `other_geometry`.

    To call this method on batches of geometries of same shape, pass a batched Geometry instance.
    The result tensor will match the batch shape of `other_geometry`.

    The result may only be accurate in special cases.
    The given geometries may be approximated as spheres or boxes using `bounding_radius()` and `bounding_half_extent()`.

    The default implementation of this method approximates other_geometry as a Sphere and computes the fraction using `approximate_signed_distance()`.

        other_geometry: `Geometry` or geometry batch for which to compute the overlap with `self`.
        balance: Mid-level between 0 and 1, default 0.5.
            This value is returned when exactly half of `other_geometry` lies inside `self`.
            `0.5 < balance <= 1` makes `self` seem larger while `0 <= balance < 0.5`makes `self` seem smaller.

      fraction of cell volume lying inside the geometry. float tensor of shape (other_geometry.batch_shape, 1).

    assert isinstance(other_geometry, Geometry)
    radius = other_geometry.bounding_radius()
    location =
    distance = self.approximate_signed_distance(location)
    inside_fraction = balance - distance / radius
    inside_fraction = math.clip(inside_fraction, 0, 1)
    return inside_fraction
def approximate_signed_distance(self, location: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, tuple]) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Computes the approximate distance from location to the surface of the geometry. Locations outside return positive values, inside negative values and zero exactly at the boundary.

The exact distance metric used depends on the geometry. The approximation holds close to the surface and the distance grows to infinity as the location is moved infinitely far from the geometry. The distance metric is differentiable and its gradients are bounded at every point in space.

When dealing with unions or collections of geometries (instance dimensions), the shortest distance to any instance is returned. This also holds for negative distances.


float tensor of shape (batch_size, …, rank)


float tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

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def approximate_signed_distance(self, location: Union[Tensor, tuple]) -> Tensor:
    Computes the approximate distance from location to the surface of the geometry.
    Locations outside return positive values, inside negative values and zero exactly at the boundary.

    The exact distance metric used depends on the geometry.
    The approximation holds close to the surface and the distance grows to infinity as the location is moved infinitely far from the geometry.
    The distance metric is differentiable and its gradients are bounded at every point in space.

    When dealing with unions or collections of geometries (instance dimensions), the shortest distance to any instance is returned.
    This also holds for negative distances.

      location: float tensor of shape (batch_size, ..., rank)
      location: Tensor:

      float tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

    raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)
def at(self, center: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Returns a copy of this Geometry with the center at center. This is equal to calling self @ center.

See Also: Geometry.shifted().


New center as Tensor.



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def at(self, center: Tensor) -> 'Geometry':
    Returns a copy of this `Geometry` with the center at `center`.
    This is equal to calling `self @ center`.

    See Also:

        center: New center as `Tensor`.

    raise NotImplementedError
def bounding_box(self) ‑> BaseBox

Returns the approximately smallest axis-aligned box that contains this Geometry. The center of the box may not be equal to


Box or Cuboid that fully contains this Geometry.

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def bounding_box(self) -> 'BaseBox':
    Returns the approximately smallest axis-aligned box that contains this `Geometry`.
    The center of the box may not be equal to ``.

        `Box` or `Cuboid` that fully contains this `Geometry`.
    from ._box import Cuboid
    return Cuboid(, half_size=self.bounding_half_extent())
def bounding_half_extent(self) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

The bounding half-extent sets a limit on the outer-most point for each coordinate axis. Each component is non-negative.

Let the bounding half-extent have value e in dimension d (extent[...,d] = e). Then, no point of the geometry lies further away from its center point than e along d (in both axis directions).

:return: float vector



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def bounding_half_extent(self) -> Tensor:
    The bounding half-extent sets a limit on the outer-most point for each coordinate axis.
    Each component is non-negative.

    Let the bounding half-extent have value `e` in dimension `d` (`extent[...,d] = e`).
    Then, no point of the geometry lies further away from its center point than `e` along `d` (in both axis directions).

    :return: float vector



    raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)
def bounding_radius(self) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Returns the radius of a Sphere object that fully encloses this geometry. The sphere is centered at the center of this geometry.

:return: radius of type float



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def bounding_radius(self) -> Tensor:
    Returns the radius of a Sphere object that fully encloses this geometry.
    The sphere is centered at the center of this geometry.

    :return: radius of type float



    raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)
def lies_inside(self, location: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Tests whether the given location lies inside or outside of the geometry. Locations on the surface count as inside.

When dealing with unions or collections of geometries (instance dimensions), a point lies inside the geometry if it lies inside any instance.


float tensor of shape (batch_size, …, rank)


bool tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

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def lies_inside(self, location: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    Tests whether the given location lies inside or outside of the geometry. Locations on the surface count as inside.

    When dealing with unions or collections of geometries (instance dimensions), a point lies inside the geometry if it lies inside any instance.

      location: float tensor of shape (batch_size, ..., rank)

      bool tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

    raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)
def push(self, positions: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, outward: bool = True, shift_amount: float = 0) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Shifts positions either into or out of geometry.


Tensor holding positions to shift
Flag for indicating inward (False) or outward (True) shift
Minimum distance between positions and box boundaries after shifting


Tensor holding shifted positions

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def push(self, positions: Tensor, outward: bool = True, shift_amount: float = 0) -> Tensor:
    Shifts positions either into or out of geometry.

        positions: Tensor holding positions to shift
        outward: Flag for indicating inward (False) or outward (True) shift
        shift_amount: Minimum distance between positions and box boundaries after shifting

        Tensor holding shifted positions
    raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)
def rotated(self, angle: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, float]) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Returns a rotated version of this geometry. The geometry is rotated about its center point.


scalar (2d) or vector (3D+) representing delta angle


Rotated Geometry

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def rotated(self, angle: Union[float, Tensor]) -> 'Geometry':
    Returns a rotated version of this geometry.
    The geometry is rotated about its center point.

      angle: scalar (2d) or vector (3D+) representing delta angle

        Rotated `Geometry`
    raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)
def sample_uniform(self, *shape: phiml.math._shape.Shape) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Samples uniformly distributed random points inside this volume.


How many points to sample per individual geometry.


Tensor containing all dimensions from Geometry.shape, shape as well as a channel dimension vector matching the dimensionality of this Geometry.

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def sample_uniform(self, *shape: math.Shape) -> Tensor:
    Samples uniformly distributed random points inside this volume.

        *shape: How many points to sample per individual geometry.

        `Tensor` containing all dimensions from `Geometry.shape`, `shape` as well as a `channel` dimension `vector` matching the dimensionality of this `Geometry`.
    raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)
def scaled(self, factor: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, float]) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Scales each individual geometry by factor. The individual center points act as pivots for the operation.


factor: Returns:

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def scaled(self, factor: Union[float, Tensor]) -> 'Geometry':
    Scales each individual geometry by `factor`.
    The individual `center` points act as pivots for the operation.



    raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__)
def shallow_equals(self, other)

Quick equality check. May return False even if other == self. However, if True is returned, the geometries are guaranteed to be equal.

The shallow_equals() check does not compare all tensor elements but merely checks whether the same tensors are referenced.

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def shallow_equals(self, other):
    Quick equality check.
    May return `False` even if `other == self`.
    However, if `True` is returned, the geometries are guaranteed to be equal.

    The `shallow_equals()` check does not compare all tensor elements but merely checks whether the same tensors are referenced.
    if self is other:
        return True
    if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
        return False
    if self.shape != other.shape:
        return False
    c1 = {a: getattr(self, a) for a in variable_attributes(self)}
    c2 = {a: getattr(other, a) for a in variable_attributes(self)}
    for c in c1.keys():
        if c1[c] is not c2[c]:
            return False
    return True
def shifted(self, delta: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Returns a translated version of this geometry.

See Also:


direction vector


shifted geometry
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def shifted(self, delta: Tensor) -> 'Geometry':
    Returns a translated version of this geometry.

    See Also:

      delta: direction vector
      delta: Tensor:

      Geometry: shifted geometry

    return + delta)
def unstack(self, dimension: str) ‑> tuple

Unstacks this Geometry along the given dimension. The shapes of the returned geometries are reduced by dimension.


dimension along which to unstack


tuple of length equal to geometry.shape.get_size(dimension)
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def unstack(self, dimension: str) -> tuple:
    Unstacks this Geometry along the given dimension.
    The shapes of the returned geometries are reduced by `dimension`.

        dimension: dimension along which to unstack

        geometries: tuple of length equal to `geometry.shape.get_size(dimension)`
    return math.unstack(self, dimension)
class GridCell (resolution: phiml.math._shape.Shape, bounds: phi.geom._box.BaseBox)

An instance of GridCell represents all cells of a regular grid as a batch of boxes.

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class GridCell(BaseBox):
    An instance of GridCell represents all cells of a regular grid as a batch of boxes.

    def __init__(self, resolution: math.Shape, bounds: BaseBox):
        assert resolution.spatial_rank == resolution.rank, f"resolution must be purely spatial but got {resolution}"
        assert resolution.spatial_rank == bounds.spatial_rank, f"bounds must match dimensions of resolution but got {bounds} for resolution {resolution}"
        assert set(bounds.vector.item_names) == set(resolution.names)
        self._resolution = resolution.only(bounds.vector.item_names, reorder=True)
        self._bounds = bounds
        self._shape = self._resolution & bounds.shape.non_spatial

    def resolution(self):
        return self._resolution

    def bounds(self):
        return self._bounds

    def spatial_rank(self) -> int:
        return self._resolution.spatial_rank

    def center(self):
        local_coords = math.meshgrid(**{ math.linspace(0.5 / dim.size, 1 - 0.5 / dim.size, dim) for dim in self.resolution})
        points = self.bounds.local_to_global(local_coords)
        return points

    def grid_size(self):
        return self._bounds.size

    def size(self):
        return self.bounds.size / math.wrap(self.resolution.sizes)

    def dx(self):
        return self.bounds.size / self.resolution

    def lower(self):
        return - self.half_size

    def upper(self):
        return + self.half_size

    def half_size(self):
        return self.bounds.size / self.resolution.sizes / 2

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        item = slicing_dict(self, item)
        bounds = self._bounds
        dx = self.size
        gather_dict = {}
        for dim, selection in item.items():
            if dim in self._resolution:
                if isinstance(selection, int):
                    start = selection
                    stop = selection + 1
                elif isinstance(selection, slice):
                    start = selection.start or 0
                    if start < 0:
                        start += self.resolution.get_size(dim)
                    stop = selection.stop or self.resolution.get_size(dim)
                    if stop < 0:
                        stop += self.resolution.get_size(dim)
                    assert selection.step is None or selection.step == 1
                    raise ValueError(f"Illegal selection: {item}")
                dim_mask = math.wrap(self.resolution.mask(dim))
                lower = bounds.lower + start * dim_mask * dx
                upper = bounds.upper + (stop - self.resolution.get_size(dim)) * dim_mask * dx
                bounds = Box(lower, upper)
                gather_dict[dim] = slice(start, stop)
        resolution = self._resolution.after_gather(gather_dict)
        return GridCell(resolution, bounds[{d: s for d, s in item.items() if d != 'vector'}])

    def __pack_dims__(self, dims: Tuple[str, ...], packed_dim: Shape, pos: Union[int, None], **kwargs) -> 'Cuboid':
        return math.pack_dims(self.center_representation(), dims, packed_dim, pos, **kwargs)

    def __stack__(values: tuple, dim: Shape, **kwargs) -> 'Geometry':
        from ._stack import GeometryStack
        return GeometryStack(math.layout(values, dim))

    def list_cells(self, dim_name):
        center = math.pack_dims(, self._shape.spatial.names, dim_name)
        return Cuboid(center, self.half_size)

    def stagger(self, dim: str, lower: bool, upper: bool):
        dim_mask = np.array(self.resolution.mask(dim))
        unit = self.bounds.size / self.resolution * dim_mask
        bounds = Box(self.bounds.lower + unit * (-0.5 if lower else 0.5), self.bounds.upper + unit * (0.5 if upper else -0.5))
        ext_res = self.resolution.sizes + dim_mask * (int(lower) + int(upper) - 1)
        return GridCell(self.resolution.with_sizes(ext_res), bounds)

    def padded(self, widths: dict):
        resolution, bounds = self.resolution, self.bounds
        for dim, (lower, upper) in widths.items():
            masked_dx = self.dx * math.dim_mask(self.resolution, dim)
            resolution = resolution.with_dim_size(dim, self.resolution.get_size(dim) + lower + upper)
            bounds = Box(bounds.lower - masked_dx * lower, bounds.upper + masked_dx * upper)
        return GridCell(resolution, bounds)

    # def face_centers(self, staggered_name='staggered'):
    #     face_centers = [self.extend_symmetric(dim).center for dim in self.shape.spatial.names]
    #     return math.channel_stack(face_centers, staggered_name)

    def shape(self):
        return self._shape

    def shifted(self, delta: Tensor, **delta_by_dim) -> BaseBox:
        # delta += math.padded_stack()
        if delta.shape.spatial_rank == 0:
            return GridCell(self.resolution, self.bounds.shifted(delta))
            center = + delta
            return Cuboid(center, self.half_size)

    def rotated(self, angle) -> Geometry:
        raise NotImplementedError("Grids cannot be rotated. Use center_representation() to convert it to Cuboids first.")

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, GridCell) and self._bounds == other._bounds and self._resolution == other._resolution

    def shallow_equals(self, other):
        return self == other

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self._resolution) + hash(self._bounds)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self._resolution}, bounds={self._bounds}"

    def __variable_attrs__(self):
        return '_center', '_half_size'

    def __with_attrs__(self, **attrs):
        return copy_with(self.center_representation(), **attrs)

    def _center(self):

    def _half_size(self):
        return self.half_size


  • phi.geom._box.BaseBox
  • phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Instance variables

var bounds
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def bounds(self):
    return self._bounds
var center

Center location in single channel dimension.

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def center(self):
    local_coords = math.meshgrid(**{ math.linspace(0.5 / dim.size, 1 - 0.5 / dim.size, dim) for dim in self.resolution})
    points = self.bounds.local_to_global(local_coords)
    return points
var dx
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def dx(self):
    return self.bounds.size / self.resolution
var grid_size
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def grid_size(self):
    return self._bounds.size
var half_size
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def half_size(self):
    return self.bounds.size / self.resolution.sizes / 2
var lower
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def lower(self):
    return - self.half_size
var resolution
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def resolution(self):
    return self._resolution
var shape

The shape of a Geometry consists of the following dimensions:

  • A single channel dimension called 'vector' specifying the physical space
  • Instance dimensions denote that this geometry consists of multiple copies in the same space
  • Spatial dimensions denote a crystal (repeating structure) of this geometric primitive in space
  • Batch dimensions indicate non-interacting versions of this geometry for parallelization only.
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def shape(self):
    return self._shape
var size
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def size(self):
    return self.bounds.size / math.wrap(self.resolution.sizes)
var spatial_rank : int

Number of spatial dimensions of the geometry, 1 = 1D, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D, etc.

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def spatial_rank(self) -> int:
    return self._resolution.spatial_rank
var upper
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def upper(self):
    return + self.half_size


def list_cells(self, dim_name)
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def list_cells(self, dim_name):
    center = math.pack_dims(, self._shape.spatial.names, dim_name)
    return Cuboid(center, self.half_size)
def padded(self, widths: dict)
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def padded(self, widths: dict):
    resolution, bounds = self.resolution, self.bounds
    for dim, (lower, upper) in widths.items():
        masked_dx = self.dx * math.dim_mask(self.resolution, dim)
        resolution = resolution.with_dim_size(dim, self.resolution.get_size(dim) + lower + upper)
        bounds = Box(bounds.lower - masked_dx * lower, bounds.upper + masked_dx * upper)
    return GridCell(resolution, bounds)
def rotated(self, angle) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Returns a rotated version of this geometry. The geometry is rotated about its center point.


scalar (2d) or vector (3D+) representing delta angle


Rotated Geometry

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def rotated(self, angle) -> Geometry:
    raise NotImplementedError("Grids cannot be rotated. Use center_representation() to convert it to Cuboids first.")
def shallow_equals(self, other)

Quick equality check. May return False even if other == self. However, if True is returned, the geometries are guaranteed to be equal.

The shallow_equals() check does not compare all tensor elements but merely checks whether the same tensors are referenced.

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def shallow_equals(self, other):
    return self == other
def shifted(self, delta: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, **delta_by_dim) ‑> phi.geom._box.BaseBox

Returns a translated version of this geometry.

See Also:


direction vector


shifted geometry
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def shifted(self, delta: Tensor, **delta_by_dim) -> BaseBox:
    # delta += math.padded_stack()
    if delta.shape.spatial_rank == 0:
        return GridCell(self.resolution, self.bounds.shifted(delta))
        center = + delta
        return Cuboid(center, self.half_size)
def stagger(self, dim: str, lower: bool, upper: bool)
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def stagger(self, dim: str, lower: bool, upper: bool):
    dim_mask = np.array(self.resolution.mask(dim))
    unit = self.bounds.size / self.resolution * dim_mask
    bounds = Box(self.bounds.lower + unit * (-0.5 if lower else 0.5), self.bounds.upper + unit * (0.5 if upper else -0.5))
    ext_res = self.resolution.sizes + dim_mask * (int(lower) + int(upper) - 1)
    return GridCell(self.resolution.with_sizes(ext_res), bounds)
class UniformGrid (resolution: phiml.math._shape.Shape, bounds: phi.geom._box.BaseBox)

An instance of GridCell represents all cells of a regular grid as a batch of boxes.

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class GridCell(BaseBox):
    An instance of GridCell represents all cells of a regular grid as a batch of boxes.

    def __init__(self, resolution: math.Shape, bounds: BaseBox):
        assert resolution.spatial_rank == resolution.rank, f"resolution must be purely spatial but got {resolution}"
        assert resolution.spatial_rank == bounds.spatial_rank, f"bounds must match dimensions of resolution but got {bounds} for resolution {resolution}"
        assert set(bounds.vector.item_names) == set(resolution.names)
        self._resolution = resolution.only(bounds.vector.item_names, reorder=True)
        self._bounds = bounds
        self._shape = self._resolution & bounds.shape.non_spatial

    def resolution(self):
        return self._resolution

    def bounds(self):
        return self._bounds

    def spatial_rank(self) -> int:
        return self._resolution.spatial_rank

    def center(self):
        local_coords = math.meshgrid(**{ math.linspace(0.5 / dim.size, 1 - 0.5 / dim.size, dim) for dim in self.resolution})
        points = self.bounds.local_to_global(local_coords)
        return points

    def grid_size(self):
        return self._bounds.size

    def size(self):
        return self.bounds.size / math.wrap(self.resolution.sizes)

    def dx(self):
        return self.bounds.size / self.resolution

    def lower(self):
        return - self.half_size

    def upper(self):
        return + self.half_size

    def half_size(self):
        return self.bounds.size / self.resolution.sizes / 2

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        item = slicing_dict(self, item)
        bounds = self._bounds
        dx = self.size
        gather_dict = {}
        for dim, selection in item.items():
            if dim in self._resolution:
                if isinstance(selection, int):
                    start = selection
                    stop = selection + 1
                elif isinstance(selection, slice):
                    start = selection.start or 0
                    if start < 0:
                        start += self.resolution.get_size(dim)
                    stop = selection.stop or self.resolution.get_size(dim)
                    if stop < 0:
                        stop += self.resolution.get_size(dim)
                    assert selection.step is None or selection.step == 1
                    raise ValueError(f"Illegal selection: {item}")
                dim_mask = math.wrap(self.resolution.mask(dim))
                lower = bounds.lower + start * dim_mask * dx
                upper = bounds.upper + (stop - self.resolution.get_size(dim)) * dim_mask * dx
                bounds = Box(lower, upper)
                gather_dict[dim] = slice(start, stop)
        resolution = self._resolution.after_gather(gather_dict)
        return GridCell(resolution, bounds[{d: s for d, s in item.items() if d != 'vector'}])

    def __pack_dims__(self, dims: Tuple[str, ...], packed_dim: Shape, pos: Union[int, None], **kwargs) -> 'Cuboid':
        return math.pack_dims(self.center_representation(), dims, packed_dim, pos, **kwargs)

    def __stack__(values: tuple, dim: Shape, **kwargs) -> 'Geometry':
        from ._stack import GeometryStack
        return GeometryStack(math.layout(values, dim))

    def list_cells(self, dim_name):
        center = math.pack_dims(, self._shape.spatial.names, dim_name)
        return Cuboid(center, self.half_size)

    def stagger(self, dim: str, lower: bool, upper: bool):
        dim_mask = np.array(self.resolution.mask(dim))
        unit = self.bounds.size / self.resolution * dim_mask
        bounds = Box(self.bounds.lower + unit * (-0.5 if lower else 0.5), self.bounds.upper + unit * (0.5 if upper else -0.5))
        ext_res = self.resolution.sizes + dim_mask * (int(lower) + int(upper) - 1)
        return GridCell(self.resolution.with_sizes(ext_res), bounds)

    def padded(self, widths: dict):
        resolution, bounds = self.resolution, self.bounds
        for dim, (lower, upper) in widths.items():
            masked_dx = self.dx * math.dim_mask(self.resolution, dim)
            resolution = resolution.with_dim_size(dim, self.resolution.get_size(dim) + lower + upper)
            bounds = Box(bounds.lower - masked_dx * lower, bounds.upper + masked_dx * upper)
        return GridCell(resolution, bounds)

    # def face_centers(self, staggered_name='staggered'):
    #     face_centers = [self.extend_symmetric(dim).center for dim in self.shape.spatial.names]
    #     return math.channel_stack(face_centers, staggered_name)

    def shape(self):
        return self._shape

    def shifted(self, delta: Tensor, **delta_by_dim) -> BaseBox:
        # delta += math.padded_stack()
        if delta.shape.spatial_rank == 0:
            return GridCell(self.resolution, self.bounds.shifted(delta))
            center = + delta
            return Cuboid(center, self.half_size)

    def rotated(self, angle) -> Geometry:
        raise NotImplementedError("Grids cannot be rotated. Use center_representation() to convert it to Cuboids first.")

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, GridCell) and self._bounds == other._bounds and self._resolution == other._resolution

    def shallow_equals(self, other):
        return self == other

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self._resolution) + hash(self._bounds)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self._resolution}, bounds={self._bounds}"

    def __variable_attrs__(self):
        return '_center', '_half_size'

    def __with_attrs__(self, **attrs):
        return copy_with(self.center_representation(), **attrs)

    def _center(self):

    def _half_size(self):
        return self.half_size


  • phi.geom._box.BaseBox
  • phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Instance variables

var bounds
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def bounds(self):
    return self._bounds
var center

Center location in single channel dimension.

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def center(self):
    local_coords = math.meshgrid(**{ math.linspace(0.5 / dim.size, 1 - 0.5 / dim.size, dim) for dim in self.resolution})
    points = self.bounds.local_to_global(local_coords)
    return points
var dx
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def dx(self):
    return self.bounds.size / self.resolution
var grid_size
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def grid_size(self):
    return self._bounds.size
var half_size
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def half_size(self):
    return self.bounds.size / self.resolution.sizes / 2
var lower
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def lower(self):
    return - self.half_size
var resolution
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def resolution(self):
    return self._resolution
var shape

The shape of a Geometry consists of the following dimensions:

  • A single channel dimension called 'vector' specifying the physical space
  • Instance dimensions denote that this geometry consists of multiple copies in the same space
  • Spatial dimensions denote a crystal (repeating structure) of this geometric primitive in space
  • Batch dimensions indicate non-interacting versions of this geometry for parallelization only.
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def shape(self):
    return self._shape
var size
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def size(self):
    return self.bounds.size / math.wrap(self.resolution.sizes)
var spatial_rank : int

Number of spatial dimensions of the geometry, 1 = 1D, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D, etc.

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def spatial_rank(self) -> int:
    return self._resolution.spatial_rank
var upper
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def upper(self):
    return + self.half_size


def list_cells(self, dim_name)
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def list_cells(self, dim_name):
    center = math.pack_dims(, self._shape.spatial.names, dim_name)
    return Cuboid(center, self.half_size)
def padded(self, widths: dict)
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def padded(self, widths: dict):
    resolution, bounds = self.resolution, self.bounds
    for dim, (lower, upper) in widths.items():
        masked_dx = self.dx * math.dim_mask(self.resolution, dim)
        resolution = resolution.with_dim_size(dim, self.resolution.get_size(dim) + lower + upper)
        bounds = Box(bounds.lower - masked_dx * lower, bounds.upper + masked_dx * upper)
    return GridCell(resolution, bounds)
def rotated(self, angle) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Returns a rotated version of this geometry. The geometry is rotated about its center point.


scalar (2d) or vector (3D+) representing delta angle


Rotated Geometry

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def rotated(self, angle) -> Geometry:
    raise NotImplementedError("Grids cannot be rotated. Use center_representation() to convert it to Cuboids first.")
def shallow_equals(self, other)

Quick equality check. May return False even if other == self. However, if True is returned, the geometries are guaranteed to be equal.

The shallow_equals() check does not compare all tensor elements but merely checks whether the same tensors are referenced.

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def shallow_equals(self, other):
    return self == other
def shifted(self, delta: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, **delta_by_dim) ‑> phi.geom._box.BaseBox

Returns a translated version of this geometry.

See Also:


direction vector


shifted geometry
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def shifted(self, delta: Tensor, **delta_by_dim) -> BaseBox:
    # delta += math.padded_stack()
    if delta.shape.spatial_rank == 0:
        return GridCell(self.resolution, self.bounds.shifted(delta))
        center = + delta
        return Cuboid(center, self.half_size)
def stagger(self, dim: str, lower: bool, upper: bool)
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def stagger(self, dim: str, lower: bool, upper: bool):
    dim_mask = np.array(self.resolution.mask(dim))
    unit = self.bounds.size / self.resolution * dim_mask
    bounds = Box(self.bounds.lower + unit * (-0.5 if lower else 0.5), self.bounds.upper + unit * (0.5 if upper else -0.5))
    ext_res = self.resolution.sizes + dim_mask * (int(lower) + int(upper) - 1)
    return GridCell(self.resolution.with_sizes(ext_res), bounds)
class Point (location: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor)

Points have zero volume and are determined by a single location. An instance of Point represents a single n-dimensional point or a batch of points.

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class Point(Geometry):
    Points have zero volume and are determined by a single location.
    An instance of `Point` represents a single n-dimensional point or a batch of points.

    def __init__(self, location: math.Tensor):
        assert 'vector' in location.shape, "location must have a vector dimension"
        assert location.shape.get_item_names('vector') is not None, "Vector dimension needs to list spatial dimension as item names."
        self._location = location

    def center(self) -> Tensor:
        return self._location

    def shape(self) -> Shape:
        return self._location.shape

    def unstack(self, dimension: str) -> tuple:
        return tuple(Point(loc) for loc in self._location.unstack(dimension))

    def lies_inside(self, location: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        return expand(math.wrap(False), shape(location).without('vector'))

    def approximate_signed_distance(self, location: Union[Tensor, tuple]) -> Tensor:
        return math.vec_abs(location - self._location)

    def push(self, positions: Tensor, outward: bool = True, shift_amount: float = 0) -> Tensor:
        return positions

    def bounding_radius(self) -> Tensor:
        return math.zeros()

    def bounding_half_extent(self) -> Tensor:
        return math.zeros()

    def at(self, center: Tensor) -> 'Geometry':
        return Point(center)

    def rotated(self, angle) -> 'Geometry':
        return self

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self._location)

    def __variable_attrs__(self):
        return '_location',

    def volume(self) -> Tensor:
        return math.wrap(0)

    def shape_type(self) -> Tensor:
        return math.tensor('P')

    def sample_uniform(self, *shape: math.Shape) -> Tensor:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def scaled(self, factor: Union[float, Tensor]) -> 'Geometry':
        return self

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return Point(self._location[_keep_vector(slicing_dict(self, item))])


  • phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Instance variables

var center : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Center location in single channel dimension.

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def center(self) -> Tensor:
    return self._location
var shape : phiml.math._shape.Shape

The shape of a Geometry consists of the following dimensions:

  • A single channel dimension called 'vector' specifying the physical space
  • Instance dimensions denote that this geometry consists of multiple copies in the same space
  • Spatial dimensions denote a crystal (repeating structure) of this geometric primitive in space
  • Batch dimensions indicate non-interacting versions of this geometry for parallelization only.
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def shape(self) -> Shape:
    return self._location.shape
var shape_type : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Returns the type (or types) of this geometry as a string Tensor Boxes return 'B', spheres return 'S', points return 'P'. Returns '?' for unknown types, e.g. a union over multiple types. Custom types can return their own identifiers.


String Tensor

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def shape_type(self) -> Tensor:
    return math.tensor('P')
var volume : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Volume of the geometry as phiml.math.Tensor. The result retains all batch dimensions while instance dimensions are summed over.

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def volume(self) -> Tensor:
    return math.wrap(0)


def approximate_signed_distance(self, location: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, tuple]) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Computes the approximate distance from location to the surface of the geometry. Locations outside return positive values, inside negative values and zero exactly at the boundary.

The exact distance metric used depends on the geometry. The approximation holds close to the surface and the distance grows to infinity as the location is moved infinitely far from the geometry. The distance metric is differentiable and its gradients are bounded at every point in space.

When dealing with unions or collections of geometries (instance dimensions), the shortest distance to any instance is returned. This also holds for negative distances.


float tensor of shape (batch_size, …, rank)


float tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

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def approximate_signed_distance(self, location: Union[Tensor, tuple]) -> Tensor:
    return math.vec_abs(location - self._location)
def at(self, center: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Returns a copy of this Geometry with the center at center. This is equal to calling self @ center.

See Also: Geometry.shifted().


New center as Tensor.



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def at(self, center: Tensor) -> 'Geometry':
    return Point(center)
def bounding_half_extent(self) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

The bounding half-extent sets a limit on the outer-most point for each coordinate axis. Each component is non-negative.

Let the bounding half-extent have value e in dimension d (extent[...,d] = e). Then, no point of the geometry lies further away from its center point than e along d (in both axis directions).

:return: float vector



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def bounding_half_extent(self) -> Tensor:
    return math.zeros()
def bounding_radius(self) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Returns the radius of a Sphere object that fully encloses this geometry. The sphere is centered at the center of this geometry.

:return: radius of type float



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def bounding_radius(self) -> Tensor:
    return math.zeros()
def lies_inside(self, location: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Tests whether the given location lies inside or outside of the geometry. Locations on the surface count as inside.

When dealing with unions or collections of geometries (instance dimensions), a point lies inside the geometry if it lies inside any instance.


float tensor of shape (batch_size, …, rank)


bool tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

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def lies_inside(self, location: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    return expand(math.wrap(False), shape(location).without('vector'))
def push(self, positions: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, outward: bool = True, shift_amount: float = 0) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Shifts positions either into or out of geometry.


Tensor holding positions to shift
Flag for indicating inward (False) or outward (True) shift
Minimum distance between positions and box boundaries after shifting


Tensor holding shifted positions

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def push(self, positions: Tensor, outward: bool = True, shift_amount: float = 0) -> Tensor:
    return positions
def rotated(self, angle) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Returns a rotated version of this geometry. The geometry is rotated about its center point.


scalar (2d) or vector (3D+) representing delta angle


Rotated Geometry

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def rotated(self, angle) -> 'Geometry':
    return self
def sample_uniform(self, *shape: phiml.math._shape.Shape) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Samples uniformly distributed random points inside this volume.


How many points to sample per individual geometry.


Tensor containing all dimensions from Geometry.shape, shape as well as a channel dimension vector matching the dimensionality of this Geometry.

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def sample_uniform(self, *shape: math.Shape) -> Tensor:
    raise NotImplementedError
def scaled(self, factor: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, float]) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Scales each individual geometry by factor. The individual center points act as pivots for the operation.


factor: Returns:

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def scaled(self, factor: Union[float, Tensor]) -> 'Geometry':
    return self
def unstack(self, dimension: str) ‑> tuple

Unstacks this Geometry along the given dimension. The shapes of the returned geometries are reduced by dimension.


dimension along which to unstack


tuple of length equal to geometry.shape.get_size(dimension)
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def unstack(self, dimension: str) -> tuple:
    return tuple(Point(loc) for loc in self._location.unstack(dimension))
class Sphere (center: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor = None, radius: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, float] = None, **center_: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, float])

N-dimensional sphere. Defined through center position and radius.


Sphere center as Tensor with vector dimension. The spatial dimension order should be specified in the vector dimension via item names.
Sphere radius as float or Tensor
Specifies center when the center argument is not given. Center position by dimension, e.g. x=0.5, y=0.2.
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class Sphere(Geometry):
    N-dimensional sphere.
    Defined through center position and radius.

    def __init__(self,
                 center: Tensor = None,
                 radius: Union[float, Tensor] = None,
                 **center_: Union[float, Tensor]):
            center: Sphere center as `Tensor` with `vector` dimension.
                The spatial dimension order should be specified in the `vector` dimension via item names.
            radius: Sphere radius as `float` or `Tensor`
            **center_: Specifies center when the `center` argument is not given. Center position by dimension, e.g. `x=0.5, y=0.2`.
        if center is not None:
            assert isinstance(center, Tensor), "center must be a Tensor"
            assert 'vector' in center.shape, f"Sphere center must have a 'vector' dimension."
            assert center.shape.get_item_names('vector') is not None, f"Vector dimension must list spatial dimensions as item names. Use the syntax Sphere(x=x, y=y) to assign names."
            self._center = center
            self._center = wrap(tuple(center_.values()),
        assert radius is not None, "radius must be specified."
        self._radius = wrap(radius)
        assert 'vector' not in self._radius.shape, f"Sphere radius must not vary along vector but got {radius}"

    def shape(self):
        if self._center is None or self._radius is None:
            return None
        return self._center.shape & self._radius.shape

    def radius(self):
        return self._radius

    def center(self):
        return self._center

    def volume(self) -> math.Tensor:
        if self.spatial_rank == 1:
            return 2 * self._radius
        elif self.spatial_rank == 2:
            return math.PI * self._radius ** 2
        elif self.spatial_rank == 3:
            return 4 / 3 * math.PI * self._radius ** 3
            raise NotImplementedError()
            # n = self.spatial_rank
            # return math.pi ** (n // 2) / math.faculty(math.ceil(n / 2)) * self._radius ** n

    def shape_type(self) -> Tensor:
        return math.tensor('S')

    def lies_inside(self, location):
        distance_squared = math.sum((location - ** 2, dim='vector')
        return math.any(distance_squared <= self.radius ** 2, self.shape.instance)  # union for instance dimensions

    def approximate_signed_distance(self, location: Union[Tensor, tuple]):
        Computes the exact distance from location to the closest point on the sphere.
        Very close to the sphere center, the distance takes a constant value.

          location: float tensor of shape (batch_size, ..., rank)

          float tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

        distance_squared = math.vec_squared(location -
        distance_squared = math.maximum(distance_squared, self.radius * 1e-2)  # Prevent infinite spatial_gradient at sphere center
        distance = math.sqrt(distance_squared)
        return math.min(distance - self.radius, self.shape.instance)  # union for instance dimensions

    def sample_uniform(self, *shape: math.Shape):
        raise NotImplementedError('Not yet implemented')  # ToDo

    def bounding_radius(self):
        return self.radius

    def bounding_half_extent(self):
        return expand(self.radius, self._center.shape.only('vector'))

    def at(self, center: Tensor) -> 'Geometry':
        return Sphere(center, self._radius)

    def rotated(self, angle):
        return self

    def scaled(self, factor: Union[float, Tensor]) -> 'Geometry':
        return Sphere(, self.radius * factor)

    def __variable_attrs__(self):
        return '_center', '_radius'

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        item = slicing_dict(self, item)
        return Sphere(self._center[_keep_vector(item)], self._radius[item])

    def push(self, positions: Tensor, outward: bool = True, shift_amount: float = 0) -> Tensor:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self._center) + hash(self._radius)


  • phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Instance variables

var center

Center location in single channel dimension.

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def center(self):
    return self._center
var radius
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def radius(self):
    return self._radius
var shape

The shape of a Geometry consists of the following dimensions:

  • A single channel dimension called 'vector' specifying the physical space
  • Instance dimensions denote that this geometry consists of multiple copies in the same space
  • Spatial dimensions denote a crystal (repeating structure) of this geometric primitive in space
  • Batch dimensions indicate non-interacting versions of this geometry for parallelization only.
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def shape(self):
    if self._center is None or self._radius is None:
        return None
    return self._center.shape & self._radius.shape
var shape_type : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Returns the type (or types) of this geometry as a string Tensor Boxes return 'B', spheres return 'S', points return 'P'. Returns '?' for unknown types, e.g. a union over multiple types. Custom types can return their own identifiers.


String Tensor

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def shape_type(self) -> Tensor:
    return math.tensor('S')
var volume : phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Volume of the geometry as phiml.math.Tensor. The result retains all batch dimensions while instance dimensions are summed over.

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def volume(self) -> math.Tensor:
    if self.spatial_rank == 1:
        return 2 * self._radius
    elif self.spatial_rank == 2:
        return math.PI * self._radius ** 2
    elif self.spatial_rank == 3:
        return 4 / 3 * math.PI * self._radius ** 3
        raise NotImplementedError()
        # n = self.spatial_rank
        # return math.pi ** (n // 2) / math.faculty(math.ceil(n / 2)) * self._radius ** n


def approximate_signed_distance(self, location: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, tuple])

Computes the exact distance from location to the closest point on the sphere. Very close to the sphere center, the distance takes a constant value.


float tensor of shape (batch_size, …, rank)


float tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

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def approximate_signed_distance(self, location: Union[Tensor, tuple]):
    Computes the exact distance from location to the closest point on the sphere.
    Very close to the sphere center, the distance takes a constant value.

      location: float tensor of shape (batch_size, ..., rank)

      float tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

    distance_squared = math.vec_squared(location -
    distance_squared = math.maximum(distance_squared, self.radius * 1e-2)  # Prevent infinite spatial_gradient at sphere center
    distance = math.sqrt(distance_squared)
    return math.min(distance - self.radius, self.shape.instance)  # union for instance dimensions
def at(self, center: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Returns a copy of this Geometry with the center at center. This is equal to calling self @ center.

See Also: Geometry.shifted().


New center as Tensor.



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def at(self, center: Tensor) -> 'Geometry':
    return Sphere(center, self._radius)
def bounding_half_extent(self)

The bounding half-extent sets a limit on the outer-most point for each coordinate axis. Each component is non-negative.

Let the bounding half-extent have value e in dimension d (extent[...,d] = e). Then, no point of the geometry lies further away from its center point than e along d (in both axis directions).

:return: float vector



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def bounding_half_extent(self):
    return expand(self.radius, self._center.shape.only('vector'))
def bounding_radius(self)

Returns the radius of a Sphere object that fully encloses this geometry. The sphere is centered at the center of this geometry.

:return: radius of type float



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def bounding_radius(self):
    return self.radius
def lies_inside(self, location)

Tests whether the given location lies inside or outside of the geometry. Locations on the surface count as inside.

When dealing with unions or collections of geometries (instance dimensions), a point lies inside the geometry if it lies inside any instance.


float tensor of shape (batch_size, …, rank)


bool tensor of shape (*location.shape[:-1], 1).

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def lies_inside(self, location):
    distance_squared = math.sum((location - ** 2, dim='vector')
    return math.any(distance_squared <= self.radius ** 2, self.shape.instance)  # union for instance dimensions
def push(self, positions: phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, outward: bool = True, shift_amount: float = 0) ‑> phiml.math._tensors.Tensor

Shifts positions either into or out of geometry.


Tensor holding positions to shift
Flag for indicating inward (False) or outward (True) shift
Minimum distance between positions and box boundaries after shifting


Tensor holding shifted positions

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def push(self, positions: Tensor, outward: bool = True, shift_amount: float = 0) -> Tensor:
    raise NotImplementedError()
def rotated(self, angle)

Returns a rotated version of this geometry. The geometry is rotated about its center point.


scalar (2d) or vector (3D+) representing delta angle


Rotated Geometry

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def rotated(self, angle):
    return self
def sample_uniform(self, *shape: phiml.math._shape.Shape)

Samples uniformly distributed random points inside this volume.


How many points to sample per individual geometry.


Tensor containing all dimensions from Geometry.shape, shape as well as a channel dimension vector matching the dimensionality of this Geometry.

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def sample_uniform(self, *shape: math.Shape):
    raise NotImplementedError('Not yet implemented')  # ToDo
def scaled(self, factor: Union[phiml.math._tensors.Tensor, float]) ‑> phi.geom._geom.Geometry

Scales each individual geometry by factor. The individual center points act as pivots for the operation.


factor: Returns:

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def scaled(self, factor: Union[float, Tensor]) -> 'Geometry':
    return Sphere(, self.radius * factor)