%pip install --quiet phiflow
from phi.torch.flow import *
# from phi.flow import * # If JAX is not installed. You can use phi.torch or phi.tf as well.
Let's create a cue ball and the typical billiards triangle!
def create_balls(cue_pos=vec(x=.1, y=.5), billiard_layers=4, radius=.03):
coords = [cue_pos]
for i in range(billiard_layers):
for j in range(i + 1):
coords.append(vec(x=i * 2 * radius + 0.5, y=j * 2 * radius + 0.5 - i * radius * 0.7))
return Sphere(stack(coords, instance('ball')), radius=radius)
balls = create_balls()
plot(balls, color=math.range(instance(balls)))
<Figure size 864x360 with 1 Axes>
Next, we define the dynamics consisting of linear movement and collisions.
We store the velocities in the values
of the field.
The impact dynamics depend on the relative distances and velocities of the balls, which we get using math.pairwise_differences
Summing the neighbor contributions then amounts to summing over the dual dimension.
def physics_step(v: PointCloud, dt: float, elasticity=0.8):
v_next = advect.points(v, v, dt)
x_diff = math.pairwise_differences(v_next.points)
dist = math.vec_length(x_diff, eps=1e-4) # eps to avoid NaN during backprop of sqrt
rel_v = -math.pairwise_differences(v.values)
dist_dir = -math.safe_div(x_diff, dist)
projected_v = dist_dir.vector * rel_v.vector
has_impact = (projected_v < 0) & (dist < 2 * v.geometry.radius)
impulse = -(1 + elasticity) * .5 * projected_v * dist_dir
radius_sum = v.geometry.radius + rename_dims(v.geometry.radius, instance, dual)
impact_time = math.safe_div(dist - radius_sum, projected_v)
x_inc_contrib = math.sum(math.where(has_impact, math.minimum(impact_time - dt, 0) * impulse, 0), dual)
v = v.with_elements(v.geometry.shifted(x_inc_contrib))
v += math.sum(math.where(has_impact, impulse, 0), dual)
return advect.points(v, v, dt)
Now, let's give the cue ball a starting velocity and run the simulation!
v0 = math.scatter(math.zeros(balls.shape), indices=vec(ball=0), values=vec(x=3, y=0))
initial_state = Field(balls, v0, 0)
trj = iterate(physics_step, batch(t=60), initial_state, dt=0.003, substeps=2)
plot(trj.geometry, animate='t', color=math.range(instance(balls)))