This example demonstrates how differentiating through the pressure allows us to find control parameters to approxmate a desired flow.
# %pip install --quiet phiflow
from phi.jax.flow import *
# from phi.flow import * # If JAX is not installed. You can use phi.torch or as well.
from tqdm.notebook import trange
Consider the following setup: We can control the fluid flow inside two spherical regions on the left. The task is to approximate the desired target
flow in the right half of the room.
res = dict(x=80, y=64)
control_area = union(Sphere(x=20, y=15, radius=10), Sphere(x=20, y=50, radius=10))
control_mask = StaggeredGrid(control_area, 0, **res)
target_mask = StaggeredGrid(Box(x=(40, INF), y=None), 0, **res)
target = target_mask * StaggeredGrid(lambda x: math.exp(-0.5 * math.vec_squared(x - (50, 10), 'vector') / 32**2), 0, **res) * (0, 2)
plot(control_mask['x'], target, overlay='args', size=(4, 3), title='Control areas (left) and target flow (right)')
<Figure size 288x216 with 2 Axes>
To optimize the control flow, we first define the loss function and get its derivative.
def loss(v0):
v1, p = fluid.make_incompressible(v0 * control_mask)
return field.l2_loss((v1 - target) * target_mask), v1, p
grad_fun = field.functional_gradient(loss, wrt='v0', get_output=True)
Now, we can iteratively apply gradient descent steps in order to reduce the loss.
def gradient_descent_step(v0, _l, _v, step_size=1.):
(loss, v, p), dv0 = grad_fun(v0)
return v0 - step_size * dv0, loss, v
velocity_fit = StaggeredGrid(Noise(), 0, **res) * 0.1 * control_mask
ctrl_trj, loss_trj, v_trj = iterate(gradient_descent_step, batch(iter=20), velocity_fit, None, None, range=trange)
0%| | 0/20 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Let's see how the loss is evolving.
plot(loss_trj.iter.as_spatial(), size=(3, 3), title="Loss")
<Figure size 216x216 with 1 Axes>
And we can visualize how the full flow field changes during the optimization.
plot(control_area, v_trj, overlay='args', animate='iter', frame_time=200, size=(5, 4))